Welcome to Charming
Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Camilla Zabini
Full Name: Camilla Ama Cosmina Zabini
Ama - born on Saturday
Cosmina - after her father
Nicknames: Mina
Birthdate: December 17th, 1864
Current Age: 24
Occupation: Desperate Debutante
Reputation: 7
The scandal that followed the revelation of her mother's true blood status has stained her once sterling reputation.
Residence: London
Hogwarts House: Slytherin Alumna (Class of
Wand: Elm, 14", Streeler spike, Unbending
Blood Status: Unfortunately Halfblood
Social Class: Upper Class
    Cosmo Zabini - Father - b. 1830
    Ama Zabini née Ayodele - Mother - b. 1835
  • Victorius Kofi Algernon Zabini - Brother - b. 1854
  • Lavinia Afia Margaret — née Zabini - Sister b. 1857
  • Bellona Akosua Rosemary Zabini - Sister - b. 1867

    Zelda Zabini née Goyle - Stepmother - d. 1883
  • Sebastian Zabini - Half-Brother - d. 1884

Camilla stands at a modest five foot four. Nothing else is modest about her, however. Her slim figure is clad in the latest, most engaging fashions. Foreign baubles are her favorite kinds of jewelry, picked carefully to match her wardrobe. Camilla's smooth brown skin is striking (in her humble opinion) and she likes to highlight it with gold tones. Her dark, naturally wavy hair is kept straight and sleek by potions. Large eyes and a full, pouty mouth are used to wear people down when they deny her what she wants. The best whining comes with puppy eyes, after all. She is right handed.

  • 1864| Camilla is born, the second to last of her parents' children. She is named Ama for the day of her birth - Saturday - and Cosmina after her father. She is a colicky and demanding infant.

  • 1867| Bellona is born and Camilla very reluctantly concedes her seat as baby of the family. Not that she had much choice in the matter.

  • 1868| At four, Camilla shows her first signs of magic. After tripping into a muddy puddle, she vanishes the stains on her newest dress. Her screaming still persists for at least five minutes following the incident. She is very possessive of her things.

  • 1876-77| Camilla receives her Hogwarts letter and sets off for school during summer's last hurrah. She considers this a far more impressive life event than her elder sister's wedding and is terribly upset when it's not nearly as celebrated. She is quickly sorted into Slytherin. Camilla's first year is both a whimsical frolic through academia and an aggressive testing of the existing social hierarchy.

  • 1878-79| Her older brother marries, her younger sister joins her at Hogwarts, and she advances to her OWL years. Not particularly interested in further enriching her academics, Camilla chooses Divination as her sole elective.

  • 1881| The year is an utter disaster. Due to a meddling cousin, her mother's deception about her blood line is revealed. They have muggle blood in them, distant but present. Enough to send shock waves through her family and rend it apart.

    Her social life is battered beyond recognition. Being a pureblood instilled Camilla with an innate sense of pride. It was easy to turn her nose up at people and act better than them because she was. Though mostly polite to halfbloods and muggleborns in public, she had absolutely nothing favorable to say about them in private. The company she kept was comprised largely of young ladies who held the same ideologies. Now part of the riffraff and rabble, she is shut out of the circle she once helmed. Camilla is left utterly miserable.

    At the end of her fifth year, continued emotional distress leads to mediocre results on her OWLs.

    Her parents divorce. Her betrothal also vanishes into thin air. The sting of betrayal leads her to cut off contact with her mother until 1884.

    With limited options for NEWT courses, Camilla settles on Charms, Herbology, and Potions at the start of her sixth year. Slowly, she rebuilds herself.

  • 1882-83| Having little else to do aside from study and pretend she's doing well, Camilla's grades improve significantly. They take another dip when her father remarries in 1882. Zelda Goyle earns her ire simply for existing. In 1883, Camilla finishes schooling. For once, her marks are above average and that soothes her wounded ego slightly. When Zelda dies in childbirth in July, Camilla is quietly pleased. Good riddance. Because her half-brother is only a baby, Camilla doesn't mind him much.

  • 1884| Camilla contracts the Laughing Plague, along with most of her family. The plague claims her half-brother and she spends much of the time fearing for her own life. This experience changes Camilla. The edge of her selfishness is dulled. Empathy sprouts from within her. Not much, but it's something. She begins writing to her mother.

  • 1885-1889| Though some years have passed since The Scandal, Camilla's marriage prospects are not improved. She goes through a string of failed seasons, each passing with increasing frustration. She does not want to be left a spinster because of her family's baggage. Intent on forcing her way into a union, the Zabini home becomes a social hot spot. She'll find a man if it kills her.

Vivacious | Passionate | Vain | Proud | Socially Active | Decisive | Haughty | Duplicitous | Persistent | Increasingly irate at being unwed | Struggling with internalized blood purist ideals and having an identity crisis

Sample Roleplay Post:
[Image: tumblr_pg36x4Bw5V1qjdvnjo1_400.gif]

Name: Josie
Age: 24
Contact: PM/Discord
Other Characters: Gildea Dewberry
How did you hear about us?: Just joined~

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— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —

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