Birthdate: September 2nd, 1862
Current Age: 26
Occupation: Professor of Ghoul Studies
Reputation: 8 (He sometimes forgets his place)
Residence: Hogwarts
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Wand: red wood, 10", solid, single phoenix tail feather
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Social Class: Middle Class
Appearance: His 5’11 frame may seem lanky, but he can be fast on the draw with his wand in the left hand. Always fashionable he dresses sometimes a bit above his station, but (at least he thinks) he has the charm to pull it off.
![[Image: pettyfer.jpg]](
Jasper enjoyed a rather uneventful middle class upbringing where he was afforded a few more luxuries than some of his social equals simply because his father’s glove factory did a good business and allowed the man to provide well for his family. While he had always had a vivid imagination and plenty of what his mother thought were imaginary friends, his skills as a wizard really took off after a house fire forced the family to purchase a new home.
The house was infested with ghouls and poltergeist, but Jasper seemed to have a natural knack with them. He could see, speak, and eventually get rid of almost any supernatural entity that was invading their new house.
When he attended school at Hogwarts the ghost were great teachers to him outside of the official classrooms. He worked hard and did well in most subjects. He did especially well in divination, defense against the dark arts, Magical Theory and of course Ghoul Studies. The only class he really did not enjoy was flying and that was simply because heights make his skin crawl.
After graduating, Jasper took a job with a small family wizard owned company based in Wales that took pride in removing “all your pesky poltergeist day OR night!” Over the four years he was with that job he honed his skills in paranormal investigation and entity detection/removal.
It was after a trip to America for a spirit removal that his life took an interesting change. In America he found a lucrative market among the muggles who were finding a resurgence of the occult movement. Jasper was always a bit eccentric, but he decided to sort out a scheme.
Quitting the company and staying in America he took out a huge loan and Jasper Collins became Edwardo the Great! With a bit of magic and drama he convinced the rich and elite that they had ghosts and that he could get rid of them. He also pretended to be of their social status.
He was rolling in cash until his original loan came due and it turned out the deal was not made with the most reputable people. Jasper shoved all the money he could fit in a steamer trunk, left his alter-ego in America, and sailed back to the UK.
Jasper tried to lay low for about a year, but now that the coast seems to be clear he has accepted a post as the Ghoul Studies professor at Hogwarts.
Personality: He’s certainly a showman, a bit easily excited, and certainly always looking out for himself first.
Sample Roleplay Post: Silas laughed, “If we wait long enough we won’t have to have the professor’s permission. The Hippogriff will smell it and come flying. My masking spell only works on us.”
The water was chilly even through the thick rubber waders. To make the scene more bleak, dead fish swirled behind him with every step he took as he moved back to the shore from standing out by the dam.
“Rogue beavers?” he asked as he stepped back on to dry land.
His waders were covered in muck as he looked out over the cove full of dead fish. The thought of rogue beavers made him want to laugh, but he did not show it as not to offend the young lady. The thing was, even though it sounded ridiculous there was really no other reason for the dam to have been built. Clearly, Silas knew that beavers were not malicious, but something about this sure smelled fishy…and it was not just the piles of dead fish.
“I will need to do a bit more field work, but just to be safe Miss, you should head back to the castle.”
Silas nodded to the girl's chaperone and the lady stood up and started to make her way toward Lydia. As the older woman walked toward her charge, Silas turned away and allowed himself to grin for the first time about the idea of rogue beaver absurd...
Then, out of the silence, a crack and pop was heard. A large willow tree’s trunk cracked and was falling. It was falling directly onto Lydia.
Silas dove towards the girl and rather unceremoniously tackled her to the ground, but saved her from being crushed under the tree at the same time.
“Well, damn,” Silas said out loud while panting on the ground, “we have rogue beavers!”
In the distance, the sound of flat tails slapping the water echoed.
Age: 27
Contact: PM
Other Characters: Silas Wild
How did you hear about us?: Google Search