The Posting Wizard of the Month Contest is a program that counts all In Character posts posted during the course of one real life month. The people with the highest total posts win bragging rights as well as stamps for their stamp collection:

— All accidental posts that are in the IC forums must be taken care of. i.e. posts under the wrong account, wrong forum, etc. or deleted.
— In order to register, post here as a reply with a list of all your characters that are participating via the template, please list characters alphabetically.
— There will be two winners per month. One winner must be someone who hasn't won a competition yet or someone who hasn't won in 12+ months. The other winner can be a repeat winner. If everyone who signs up for that month has already competed, the highest post count wins.
— You can enter as many times as you'd like. If the winner has already won the contest once, they can use these winnings toward the 3, 6, or 12 times of winning Posting Wizard of the Month stamps.
— If you win one month, you cannot signup for the following two months. I.e: if you win January's competition, you cannot enter February's or March's, but you can enter April's.
— Sign-Ups close on Activity Check Day. The competition will last throughout the entire month of competition and end with the following Activity Check.
Past Winners can be see on this >>Lovely Spreadsheet!<<
Instead, please contact Ursula Black, Aldous Crouch, Cassius Lestrange, Elias Grimstone or Philomena Sprout with any questions, issues, or concerns.