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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Take Me Back to the Start
June 25th, 1888

Who said I was the only one who was charmed? This goes both ways you know. You've sent me books, an owl and a bookmark, clearly I've managed to capture your attention.

I will admit, I'm growing in quite fond of you and yes, the hair was definitely part of it. I can't wait to get my hands in it again.

[Image: cTe3ze.png]
25 June, 1888

I've never denied that you've managed to capture my attention. It's an impressive feat, I'll say that much.

Another question: Which quidditch team do you support?


set by MJ!
June 25th, 1888

I am rather impressive. I also fear Ianthe is quite done with us for tonight. I'm a hometown girl, Howlers all the way. Though I did support the Cannons when August played for them.

What do you like to do in your free time? Do you get free time?

Goodnight, Love.

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[Image: cTe3ze.png]
June 26th, 1888
early morning

I hate toads. They make the most ridiculous noise. They're everywhere. I hope you got a much better night's sleep than I did. I hope Ianthe didn't wake you, I told her to just drop this and go, but I was up so early I needed something to do.

Fun fact; I hate toads, you're welcome.

[Image: cTe3ze.png]
26 June, 1888

Merlin, Ianthe may be small, but she's mighty persistent—and apparently, not the most obedient little beast. She may have left a crack on my window.

I know the Ministry was dealing with reports of that yesterday, but the Department of Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures was in charge of that investigation. Fortunately toads don't scream criminal activity.


set by MJ!
26 June, 1888

Well I see why now. I didn't even notice she'd left another letter before bed; I managed to fall asleep at my desk. If you're already awake, I may as well humor you with an answer to your previous letter.

Free time is limited, but I enjoy our home library when I get the chance to settle down. I've always preferred memoirs and other nonfiction to fiction, though a good crime novel has been known to capture my attention.

I must admit: the only quidditch games I've been to are ones where riots have summoned me on the job.


set by MJ!
June 26th, 1888

Oh what a stubborn little bird, she and I are apparently well-suited. I'm sorry if she woke you, I can't believe you fell asleep at your desk, you need some real sleep!

So we do have something else in common, fancy that. I'd like to see your library some day. I've read a couple of good crime novels, one not too long ago, I should find it for you. Not that you have a lot of time, but in the future.  

I've boxed a couple of Mrs. H's blueberry scones, to apologize for Ianthe. I hope today isn't too exasperating at work. Good luck!

[Image: cTe3ze.png]
26 June, 1888

I doubt a night of "real" sleep will come until the situation in Hogsmeade and Irvingly is resolved. I'm always paranoid that I'm going to wake up to a fog-enveloped London or news of mass destruction overnight. Words cannot describe what I might give to have you here in London rather than in Bartonburg right now.

You're free to spend the day in my library once I manage to get you out of there. Be aware, many of the books in there are my father's, and he has a nasty habit of purchasing books in languages he can't even read. Do you know Latin? Greek? Russian?

I appreciate the scones; I'll have one before I leave.


set by MJ!
June 26th, 1888

You worry an awful lot, it's going to give you wrinkles (or so my mother says). I'm fine, Hogsmeade is fine, just a little foggy and toady, that's all. It's not even that dark anymore. Sleep is important to keep you at your best, and something tells me you'd be getting less sleep if I was in London.  

You know if you let me in the library you may never get me out, right? And surprise! I can read a little bit of Latin, but not a whole book. I can read far more in French.

[Image: cTe3ze.png]
26 June, 1888

I'm surprised the wrinkles haven't come yet; I was told that same thing when I was your age. They'll come any day now, I suppose. Hopefully that doesn't make me hideous in your eyes.

I'm sure I could manage to get you out the library with just a little effort.


set by MJ!
June 26th, 1888

You could never be hideous in my eyes, even at your age. You'd look distinguished. I hope that when I'm your age I'm still as becoming to you as well.

As for the library, we don't actually have to leave if we didn't want to... though I would be a tough sell to get out otherwise. We'll find out some day, I'm sure.  

I hope you're getting work done, I would hate to be a distraction! I fear my empty days are giving me cabin fever. Still, I would hate to be a pest. Or for Ianthe to be one, for that matter.

[Image: cTe3ze.png]
26 June, 1888

You flatter me. I cannot imagine you ever losing your beauty, and most certainly not at thirty-six.

Giving me ideas is not the thing to do when I'm so far away from you, and certainly not while on the job. The last thing I need is the department secretary giving me a look when she comes to drop off paperwork.

Another question: What's your favorite type of candy?


set by MJ!
June 26th, 1888

Now you flatter me. I like it. I do apologise though, I'll behave myself. It's quite difficult when I can't see you, but I'll do my best.

Not so much of a sweets girl myself, I do like just about anything with caramels though. Poor Mr. Honeyduke I cannot believe what happened to his shop! My friend Zelda was involved, hospitalized and everything. I really do hope this fog is solved soon, I can't do any more hospitalizations. It appears we can never just have a nice summer around here.

Do you have a favorite candy?

[Image: cTe3ze.png]
26 June, 1888

Zelda... Fisk? Doesn't she work in the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes? The Minister's sister-in-law?

Perhaps your summers would be far better if your family came to London instead. There are very few summer tragedies that take place here.

I prefer baked goods to candies, but I doubt that hardly surprises you.


set by MJ!
June 26th, 1888

Yes, she was a year behind me in school, but we're very... similar in temperament, and do pretty well together. I was immensely jealous when she started her ministry job. I would have quite enjoyed that myself. I always fancied the Accidental Magical Reversal Squad, since I'm pretty good with transfiguration and charms. Perhaps that would suit me instead of the library.

You would think my family would relocate after everything that's happened, not to mention there are technically three of us participating in the season, but apparently that's not enough  to make the move. Would make my life a lot easier. Of course everything will be easier once the floo network is up and running again.

I am not surprised in the slightest that you like baked goods. Stick around and Mrs. H will use you as a taste tester for her new recipes. She makes some lemon cookies that are to die for. I can't bake to save my life, I've tried, sorry to disappoint.

[Image: cTe3ze.png]
26 June, 1888

Choosing to go work on the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad is one way to ensure my untimely demise if you decide to off me one of these days.

If I may request one thing, please do not reveal the nature of our relationship to Miss Fisk. I wish to make no judgments on her character, but I'm wary at the prospect of those within my workplace having knowledge of our... arrangement.


set by MJ!

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