Welcome to Charming, where swirling petticoats, the language of flowers, and old-fashioned duels are only the beginning of what is lying underneath…
After a magical attempt on her life in 1877, Queen Victoria launched a crusade against magic that, while tidied up by the Ministry of Magic, saw the Wizarding community exiled to Hogsmeade, previously little more than a crossroad near the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In the years that have passed since, Hogsmeade has suffered plagues, fires, and Victorian hypocrisy but is still standing firm.
Thethe year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.
Complete a thread started and set every month for twelve consecutive months. Each thread must have at least ten posts, and at least three must be your own.
Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
Damn, he'd been so close! Zak was considering a fourth attempt on Bixby when he caught sight of MacFusty from the corner of his eye. Considering the other bludger had just been moved, it stood to reason that the opposing beater wanted the one nearby. Zak had grown attached to this bludger and wasn't keen on sharing it.
He locked eyes with MacFusty for a hot second before looking away and hitting the bludger as hard as he could at the girl with the quaffle.
Captain & First-String Chaser for the Holyhead Harpies
29 year old Halfblood
5 ft. 3 in.
❤ Spinster
Played by MJ
142 Posts
Hassani's last bludger had clipped her, but not enough to swerve her off course from the quaffle. That said, as soon as she'd intercepted the pass and turned back towards Selhim's hoops, it felt like half the Moroccan team were upon her. First came the stink pellets, blasting up terrible-smelling clouds of green smoke around her, blocking all vision in front of her. "Damn it!" Gus yelled angrily at Wahbi - but didn't dare stop moving and be the one to call foul, in case even the home spectators blamed it on a woman's weaknesses. That said, she only got a few feet further before al-Benali bashed right into her, blocking her way with his broom. She growled, more prepared to lose her seat than let go of the quaffle, even if she was getting absolutely nowhere with it.
If the stink-pellet smoke ever cleared she might be able to search out a pass to Bixby... or see yet another bludger hurtling towards her.
First String Chaser and Captain of the Appleby Arrows
30 year old Halfblood
5 ft. 7¼ in.
❤ Married
Played by Fallin
323 Posts
It didnt take much to realize that Robins was in trouble what with the green smoke and blunders, Rufus steered toward her, scrunching his nose up as he realized it was stink bombs. Bloody hell.
"Robins!" He called as the smoke dissipated a bit. "Here!" At least hehadnt flown into the worst of it and could make out Robins hopefully she could see him too.
It was clear that this match was spirraling out of control fast! His chasers needed to focus less on smart arsery and more on controlling the fucking Quaffle. The Berber was building himself up into a head of stressed out steam, praying that they could take back control of this game - or that the seekers could make their misery mercifully brief.
First-String Chaser and Captain of the Hogsmeade Howlers
35 year old Halfblood
5 ft. 9 in.
❤ Married
Played by Beanie
758 Posts
Arthur had officially lost his patience around when his kneecap was shattered, and the combination of Wahbi dropping stink bombs and Bessani flying right into Robins wasn't helping. Deciding that he, too, could cause problems on purpose, Arthur flew sideways to collide with Wahbi.
Nabil's shenanigans were nothing new to her, rather she was quite thrilled to see him up to his normal mischief. She was tired of playing like children with regulated rules and manners, and clearly the other Moroccans were as well. Grinning, she surged forwards to shove Bixby out of place. Bixby might have just been a bit of an idiot right there. Yes, he may have alerted his teammates to his presence, but he'd also just told her where he was. And now if she'd get lucky, Robbins would have tossed the ball before she'd noticed the swap. If not, well now they had the British CHaser cornered.
"Well, folks! Wahbi it seems is hit by a rogue bludger after releasing some stink pellets onto the field. Goodness, that can't be pleasant. It doesn't appear he's too injured, though that might bruise. Al-Benali tries to intercept Robbins, but it seems that she stays clinging onto the quaffle!!
And look at that, ladies and gentlemen!! Hassani aims for MacFusty but MacFusty redirects it towards Aaloui!!! Oh my, and now Aaloui's gone and lost his handle on his own bludger — oh dear, there it goes."
<-- LEFT
Moroccan Score Zone
British Score Zone
Moroccan Players -- British Players SCORE
0050 MOROCCO || BRITAIN 0070 * = Bludger Positions Game Play Directions
***Please tag Amelia Evans with your moderation needs: interceptions, goal attempts & bludger hits!***
Please contact a member of the staff team if you have an NPC post to go up!
Light eyes flickered between both beaters, a smirk on his face. The only thing more enjoyable would have been shattering the kneecaps of Aaloui, but he could settle for knocking his bludger off course. He turned and headed towards the nearest bludger, not sparing either a glance, and directed it towards al-Benali.
(C1 --> C2, bludger directed at Abbas al-Benali) Amelia Evans
Damn it! Zakarya gritted his teeth and decided to let everyone crowd around his bludger while he cut his losses and headed for the other one which seemed to be unattended.
Between the Bludgers and the preponderance of players his scoring zone was feeling very active! Jasper took care to keep an eye out for maurading bludgers and the reckless beaters from both teams! Hoping desperately that his beaters could make some gains in terms of relieving the pressure while the chasers looked for an opportunity to take the home advantage. With only 20 points in it there was still everything to play for!
Captain & First-String Chaser for the Holyhead Harpies
29 year old Halfblood
5 ft. 3 in.
❤ Spinster
Played by MJ
142 Posts
Gus heard Bixby's shout from somewhere beside her, and although he didn't seem free from Moroccan hangers-on either, it would be good to get the quaffle out from the middle of the scrum. With that, she chanced a pass, throwing the quaffle towards Bixby.
C2, attempted pass
gorgeous set by Lady!
August 11, 2020 – 2:15 PM
Last modified: August 11, 2020 – 2:17 PM by Rufus Bixby.
First String Chaser and Captain of the Appleby Arrows
30 year old Halfblood
5 ft. 7¼ in.
❤ Married
Played by Fallin
323 Posts
Damn this game was getting rough. He took the blow, steering away from the chaser. As he dud he spotted Robins pass and snatched the quaffle, moving out of the way just in time not to hit her. Then he pushed back toward the goals and attempted a goal.
C2 to c1 attempted catch and attempted goal
Dont know if the pass and catch need modernation... but goal attempt Amelia Evans
Captain & First-String Chaser for the Holyhead Harpies
29 year old Halfblood
5 ft. 3 in.
❤ Spinster
Played by MJ
142 Posts
Now that the quaffle was safely in Bixby's hands, Gus was able to shoot upwards to try and shake off the last of the stink-pellet smoke and the chasers in her way, sweeping in a large arc above the action and coming down closer to the level of play behind Selhim's hoops.