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Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Tuck, Roll, Duck, Dodge!
Rorie saw the motion of Mr. Dursley’s arm out of the corner of her eye. Screeching to a halt mid-air, she cupped her hands around her mouth. “Mr. Crabbe, watch out!” she shouted.

The following 2 users Like Lilibet Meadows's post:
   Aldous Crouch, Reuben Crouch

The wind rushed past and the scores ticked over in favour of the little eagle. Blair hadn't scored many but then they weren't normally a beater after all. There was much more nuance than just clobbering the foes in Blair's role as a seeker, speaking of which. "Greta Gillenwater think fast!" and the redhead sent the pretty Gryffindor a little high speed gift from the end of their bat. Whether Blair's focus on the shot made them an easier target for Moony would quickly become apparent as they jinked along the course.

[Image: wzEDRBI.png]
Bonnie is NB/GF but appears as a girl.
They/them ooc, she/they/he IC.
Anyone who knows them, knows they prefer to be called Blair

Another satisfying thwack of his beater's bat as he sent a bludger flying, this time towards the small Bonnie Greyback. Perhaps, Rex thought, the had missed his calling as a beater—it was certainly a great deal of fun!

“Mr. Crabbe, watch out!”

The alert sounded just in time; the Hufflepuff turned his head to see a bludger sailing his way. Knowing he couldn't out-pace it, and with very limited time to act, Rex dropped like a stone. The powder would coat his head if he wasn't quick enough, but he hoped his weight would save him.

"You'll come watch me fly, of course?" Polly had asked Hesper brightly at breakfast, though it was not so much a question as it was a... reminder of obligation, but in a way that sounds less miserable.

As a third year, the witch had tried to try out for her house quidditch team, only to find her attempts at subterfuge foiled (and earned herself some detentions in the process). Quidditch club likewise eluded the Slytherin, who had had to settle for flying club. Today, it felt to the sixth year rather as though her moment had arrived at last; while Hippolyta had been passed over for beater (boo!) in this unconventional club "meeting", she at least get the experience of dodging the modified bludgers.

Since kickoff, the Slytherin had done well indeed at just that, and thus far, her robes unmarred by the chaulky powder that had been marking the flyers around her.

The young Miss Greyback was too focused on her own bludger (and on taunting her opponents) to take proper evasive action. She was dusted green, giving Slytherin their first point of the day. They might score another soon, as one of Moony's counterparts had sent another bludger towards Mohr, though he'd been a very effective dodger thus far.

Meanwhile, Miss Meadows' warning cry had clearly benefited Mr. Crabbe, who dodged just in the nick of time, but stopping on her broom may have cost her: she's drawn the attention of a handful of players with her shout, and one of the Gryffindor beaters seemed to think the girl hovering still would make an easy target. (Ben liked Miss Meadows, but he half hoped the Gryffindor was right — if they ended the match at zero he was going to have to trade in his Gryffindor scarf for a house-agnostic one).

Anne hits Bonnie. Rex dodges.

I've decided until/unless the other beater spots are filled I'll throw some NPC action in Ben's posts to give our idle fliers more to do!

G- 0
H- 4
R- 5
S- 1

Bonnie hit to Greta Gillenwater
Rex hit to Bonnie Greyback
NPC Gryff hit to Lilibet Meadows
NPC Slyth hit to Eros Mohr

MJ made this <3
"Looking great in green, Greyback!" Anne hooted, her shot on target. Turning her attention to the first years, it was about time they learned to fear the skies, Anne wound up and smack! sent a bludger flying toward Jameson Potter.

[Image: rOjzpw3.png]
MJ about made me cry with this one!
Thread Log | Help Anne Blame the DJ
Eros did his best to outmaneuver the bludger coming his way.

eros is half-veela which means females tend to feel drawn to him with older ladies feeling protective of him
Nico had missed Rex but he was quick to find a new target, sending one of the powdery balls Miss Puceys way.

set by Lady!
Blast! Rorie's breath caught in her throat as she heard the thwack of a blunger's bat near her. She seized the her broom and flattened herself to the handle to try and rocket forward; maybe do a roll if she could manage it.


A thud, a puff of green smoke and a taunt from Anne signalled the hit on Bonnie as they giggled madly and dropped into a turn, narrowly missing a bird who happened to be passing the ground unawares. The teen accelerated again intercepting a bludger destined for one of her team mates and redirecting it towards Hippolyta Pucey

[Image: wzEDRBI.png]
Bonnie is NB/GF but appears as a girl.
They/them ooc, she/they/he IC.
Anyone who knows them, knows they prefer to be called Blair

Miss Greyback managed to slip past the yellow powder ball heading her way and got her bat in the path of the bludger heading towards Mr. Potter, which Ben was grateful for — he wasn't eager to have to stop the game again to go rescue him so soon. Mohr's luck seemed to be wearing thin; although he'd attempted to dodge this one still caught his calf as he flew by.

Miss Meadows managed to pull off a rather complex maneuver, given her age and relative lack of training. She'd wobbled slightly on the roll, but kept her broom under contol and cleared in incoming bludger. Much as he wanted Gryffindor on the scoreboard, Ben had to concede that she'd earned her dodge. Someone ought to get that girl on the club Quidditch team. Another of the Gryffindor beaters swooped in to claim the bludger that had missed her, this time sending it towards Mr. Pettigrew... were they just picking on the first years?
Bonnie dodges. No need for Jameson to dodge since Bonnie intercepted! Eros hit. Lilibet dodges (I rolled a d20 for this with injury potential included per your discord comments and she still passed xD).

G- 0
H- 4
R- 5
S- 2

Bonnie hit to Greta Gillenwater
Bonnie and Nico both hit at Hippolyta Pucey
NPC Gryff to Caspian Pettigrew

The following 1 user Likes Reuben Crouch's post:
   Lilibet Meadows

MJ made this <3
The Hufflepuff allowed himself a brief laugh of triumph before he soarded towards another bludger, batting it this time in Morgan Valenduris' direction.

It seemed as though Polly's luck had run out. Her eyes widened as she noted one bludger soaring straight towards her, still oblivious to the second headed in her direction. With a soft eep! of playful terror, the Slytherin veered sharply to the left, hoping this enough of an evasive manouver to maintain her streakof success.

Eros went down to get the score counted, dusted himself off and flew back into the fray.

eros is half-veela which means females tend to feel drawn to him with older ladies feeling protective of him
Caspian did his best to outspeed and dodge the bludger coming his way.

Clouds of powder everywhere! Miss Pucey had made a good effort to dodge one of the bludgers headed her way, but ended up flying directly into the path of the second. Gillenwater and Pettigrew were hit as well. Gryffindor had their first score on the board now, though with Ravenclaw at seven there seemed little chance of them being competitive in this match.

One of the Slytherins swept into redirect the bludger that had missed Miss Pucey, sending it hurtling towards Mr. Gallivan.
Greta hit, Polly hit by one of the two, Caspian was also hit.

G- 1
H- 4
R- 7
S- 2

Rex hit to Morgan Valenduris
NPC Slyth to Nathaniel Gallivan II

MJ made this <3

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