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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Tricky Operation
August 6th, 1890
Early Afternoon
Are you from a very large family, then? I only have one brother myself, pain that he is.

My mountain has grown yet again. Do you fancy adding to your load if it stays quiet? Though, on second thought that's a terrible idea. I'm already in hot water with my boss as it is. Word to the wise, don't go off script during a kiwi delivery.

Hopefully your afternoon stays quiet. Mine has been thus far.

August 6th, 1890
late afternoon

I do, there were seven of us, but we lost a sister to the laughing plague a few years ago, unfortunately. Two of my siblings are married with children, the rest of us are still working on it. Well the youngest one is just that, as well, too young.

It's still quiet and I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. I'm almost caught up, but I don't trust it. I was even able to each lunch uninterrupted, that so rarely happens! I'm afraid I know nothing about kiwis or Moroccans so I would be of a disservice to you. Having little distractions is nice for a change.

Still wishing you luck.

[Image: 3HhBWO.png]
delicious biceps brought to you by MJ!
August 6th, 1890
Late Afternoon
Seven siblings?! What a chaotic house that must've been to grow up in. I'm sorry to hear about your sister. Were you two close?

I should've mentioned I have two younger half brothers, as well, but they're significantly younger and I haven't seen them in ages. They more feel like cousins than siblings sometimes.

Happy to hear the other shoe has yet to drop! Perhaps it'll be an early evening for you. I, on the other hand, will be shackled to my desk for the next century or two. One of my colleagues is a bit of a character and decided heading home to his wife and kids on time means I'm stuck with his mountain too. Such fun.

Kiwis and Moroccans sound more fun than they are, I promise.

August 6th, 1890
before clocking out

It was always busy and I never lacked in playmates, so there's that. We caused a hell of a lot of trouble, but all in good fun. She was, most unfortunately, never in the best of health, the Plague was just too much. We were close, baby sister and all. She would have just graduated last year. My youngest brother is going into his sixth year, so I understand age gaps pretty well.

It was a most uneventful day, probably the first I've had since I started and I've been here a while. I hope you were able to put a dent in your paperwork, mine is caught up. Low blow by the colleague, you should return the favor sometime. I'm clocking out on time for the first time in a long time.

I really would like to know more about kiwis and Moroccans, I cannot tell if this is a euphemism, or you're honestly dealing with fruit.

[Image: 3HhBWO.png]
delicious biceps brought to you by MJ!
August 6th, 1890
Early Evening
The Plague was a nightmare for many. It's terribly unfair that your family was affected when already dealing with a sick child. She must've been just about ready to go off to Hogwarts, then? I'm sorry...

A dent has been made, but I must admit I'm envious of your escape. I'll likely end up heading home only to sleep before I'm due back in the morning. The colleague has far more experience than me, and is therefore permitted to commit such crimes against his colleagues. He is, admittedly, not my favorite person. I once set a jinx at his desk that caused ink to splatter every time he used his quill. One of my finer moments, if I do say so.

If I were to answer your curiosities I would have to kill you. And, considering I have only the most basic details of your appearance to go off of, murder will have to wait.

August 7th, 1890
first thing in the morning

Thank you for your sympathy, she only got to enjoy a couple of years at Hogwarts unfortunately. She did enjoy it thoroughly, however. Always a glass half-full kind of girl, enjoying life to the fullest.

Hopefully you were able to get a decent amount of rest at least, between bouts of paperwork. That is a deviously delightful act of revenge. So subtle, yet so frustrating. I like this side of you Miss (I have been under the assumption of Miss.) S, very intriguing.

That is most upsetting. Now I'm curious about your department. Mysteries is it?

[Image: 3HhBWO.png]
delicious biceps brought to you by MJ!
August 7th, 1890
A few hours, but such is the life. I ended up being called in before sunrise, so coffee will be my best friend today. The mountain of paperwork is more resembling a hill, at least. It'll be back up to a mountain by noon though, mark my words.

I am, indeed, a Miss. As for the revenge, that's but the tip of the iceberg. My roommate usually faces most of my jinxs, unfortunately for her, but she should know better than to get under my skin like so. You have to keep life interesting somehow, don't you agree?

Not mysteries. I considered it, though.

August 7th, 1890
after lunch

Coffee is life most days. I drink it black and hope it goes straight to the bloodstream.

I feel for your roommate. My siblings and best mates usually have to deal with my terror.

Ah ha, my deductive reasoning powers prevail again, well halfway at least. Not Mysteries though still a mystery. Still intrigued, but mildly fearful for my life.

Called out- best of luck with Mount Paperwork!

[Image: 3HhBWO.png]
delicious biceps brought to you by MJ!
August 9th, 1890
Near the end of the work day
I apologize for the late response. Those kiwis were causing trouble again, so I had to head out of the office for a few days. I swear I won't be sad to see the Moroccans go.

Piping hot black coffee is the only way to enjoy it. Those who add to it are either positively insane or not needing its benefits. A friend of mine drinks a cup of milk with a drop of coffee — it horrifies me.

Are you a prankster too, then? It's quite fun isn't it?

You're safe (for now).

August 10th, 1890

I'm starting to think kiwis is a euphemism for something else. . . though I don't think I'll dare ask what. Can I ask where you were pulled off to? Only one more match to get through, then they're gone so far as I know. To think, I almost went into the Games department myself.

That's appalling, my mum drinks her tea like that.

I was as a youngster, especially at Hogwarts. Nobody really suspects the Ravenclaws, but we are quite witty after all. I was previously told to grow up, so I did, but only a little. It's no fun when half of your family is no longer at home doing other boring adult things like raising children and working full time. No fun at all.

Glad to hear it.

[Image: 3HhBWO.png]
delicious biceps brought to you by MJ!
August 10th, 1890
That curiosity of yours is going to be your doom. I will say that I cannot comment further on the state of the kiwis, so do with that what you will. And as for where I went, not far. Furthest we went was France, closest was Hogsmeade. Boring days of riding trains.

Your mum and my friend should get together to drink their beverages and leave us in peace.

I suppose I'm lucky in that sense. My elder brother is even more of a mess than I am, so there's no pressing need to act like an adult. Well, outside of my job, anyway. I try to maintain professionalism when out of work, too, so I suppose I'm more of an adult than I thought. How tragic. I will say most people don't suspect the Slytherins either. It's always a fun surprise for them to learn that about me.

August 11th, 1890
late morning

Apologies for my delay of response, I was on call yesterday afternoon and it was a mess.

Pity, the curiosity comes naturally, Ravenclaw and all. I'll keep making up grandiose stories in my head about illegal creatures and smuggling routes then.

My mum needs no encouragement, the woman would make my lunch if I still lived with her. Being the second eldest dictates a sense of responsibility I suppose, both my eldest brother and my closest younger sister have settled down with families. I can tell my mum has her sights on me next, though is thankfully distracted by my next youngest sister who is much more eligible than I am, at least age wise. She probably has the same lack of enthusiasm for the subject I do, however.

A Slytherin hm? I think I picked up on that between the lines of these letters, but I also could have seen Gryffindor.

[Image: 3HhBWO.png]
delicious biceps brought to you by MJ!
August 11th, 1890
No need for apologies. The job comes first. Hope the mess is cleared up now!

Your stories are probably more interesting than my reality. Make me a beautiful heroine!

Now, JP, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were flirting with me. Hoping some anonymous ministry type will save you from your nagging mother, eh? I can't say I mind if you use me as an excuse. Just forewarn me with what I ought to know.

My brother said the same thing. I am, however, too determined to succeed for my own good.

August 11th, 1890
late afternoon

Doesn't it always? Always right in the middle of a good meal or a break. Even the middle of the night sometimes. So delightful.

Oh well then, let me spin you a story. In my head, kiwis are actually illegal nogtails that have escaped around the country, infecting farms and generally causing mischief so that's where you've been scampering off to, heroically locating and catching the beasts with your pure white husky at your side, chasing them away never to be seen again. Or something like that.

That transparent hmm? It wasn't my intention actually, but now that you mention it, I could borrow you for a little while lie to get her off my back. Tempting, tempting indeed.

Good, determination is necessary in the ministry. It gets you everywhere.

PS: If I were intentionally flirting, you'd know it.

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[Image: 3HhBWO.png]
delicious biceps brought to you by MJ!
August 11th, 1890
Early Evening
So delightful. I was on my way out the door and got handed another stack of paperwork to get through by that jerk colleague of mine. Looks like I'll be pulling an all nighter here at the office.

I definitely like your stories better than my reality. The husky sounds like a beauty. Unfortunately, neither I or my roommate are around enough to have a pet, and the ministry frowns upon dogs in the office. Would be quite the mood boost, though.

We can have a very convenient split right before she's set to meet me, too. You'll have to find another anonymous lady to use as an excuse in that case.

That's the hope. Onwards and upwards.

Good to know.

August 12th, 1890
early morning

Well, pardon my language, but fuck that. I'd be giving that guy a what's for, that's for sure. In the form of something unpleasant in his desk. I have ideas if you need one. I had the early shift this morning, so I'm sitting bleary-eyed at my desk with a large cup of coffee trying not to fall asleep on my paperwork. I'm not a morning person by nature.

You laugh, but the Beast Division keeps a small pack of pure white bloodhounds around for that specific purpose and was my inspiration for the the story. I also have a mate that works in that office who habitually carries a niffler around with him. But I also work too much to keep any pets myself either, though a self-sufficient outside cat could do the trick.

Oh my, now I see the trickster coming out. A harmless fling in which you broke my heart conveniently before meeting my mother and now I'm too broken to try again for a while. It could work. I'm keeping it in my back pocket for a later date, that is, unless you've got any other gentleman callers that I could potentially upset and that just wouldn't do.

[Image: 3HhBWO.png]
delicious biceps brought to you by MJ!

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