The kiwi delivery didn't go as smoothly as we had anticipated. While using the train was a smart shipping method, there were a great number of unaccounted variables. I retrieved the kiwis, but not without the assistance of a fellow unexpected colleague. Thankfully, no townsfolk were alerted to the delivery.
Next time you send me to fetch your kiwis, please don't. A crate of pomegranates overturned and spilled their juice everywhere. It would've been a mess without the help of our colleague. I'll fill you in more when we meet next. When will that be?
I am most afraid that your letter? Memo? Has been misdirected to my attention rather than that of the one you have intended it for. I thought to have included it so you can attempt again.
I have to admit however, I am an inherently curious person; what is so critical about kiwis? I shall return your original letter when you've explained.
Since you're curious, the Moroccans' have requested a steady supply of the strange fruit. We've been going to a great effort to be hospitable hosts, and this is just the latest herculean task.
Personal or work? I'm more inclined to make fun of myself, so we shall start there. I once got into it with a horde of garden gnomes in the family garden. I was napping and they tried to take the licorice wand from my picnic basket while I slept. I still have a scar on my chin where one of the little buggers bit me. I was eight at the time and even to this day will not engage with the cretins unless absolutely necessary.
Garden gnomes are such vicious creatures. I've never understood why anyone would put them in their garden. Who wants a tiny terrorizing nuisance around?
Clementines. Oh clementines.
I ran into one of the foreign nationals the other day at some event or another, and the next thing I know the basket of clementines he was carrying was liquified and raining upon us. Supposedly, he never attended any formal schooling and such acts happened when he became nervous. Truthfully, I think he was just acting like a child and playing a prank. Which would be fine if my hair didn't still smell of citrus.
They were not invited guests, let's put it that way. They're nasty little buggers, I take delight in uprooting then whenever I can.
Hmm, it does sound a little iffy that it was an accident. At least it wasn't a potion of unknown origin or something that smelled positively foul. Citrus smells delightful, though I suppose it may have stung when it first happened.
You seem to have a fair few run ins with the visiting internationals, dare I ask why?
I hope you know I now picture you trekking through gardens in search of gnomes.
Citrus juice certainly didn't feel pleasant on my face. Then, there's the added reaction of trying to wipe at your eyes to clear it out. The smell is pleasant, but I'd rather smell of my soap than experience that again.
You could ask. I don't guarantee an answer. Have you not interacted with the visitors at all?
Interesting. Well to help your mental painting's clarity; I'm rather tall, quidditch beater's build, blue eyes, brown hair, constant state of stubble. Quite handsome if I do say so myself. Now I insist when you recreate the image, my battle with the gnomes is accurate and epic.
My position is anything but boring. The pile of papers waiting to be filled and filed because I'm so busy. Keeps me on my toes, wouldn't have it any other way.
Quite handsome? You seem quite sure of yourself. Have many others corroborated this view? Either way, I'll be sure to imagine your battle more accurately.
Seems like we live similar lives. I, too, am currently buried under a mountain of paperwork. Except mine's a mess of my own making.
My mother tells me quite frequently, does that not count anymore? I supposed that does sound rather arrogant of me, but then again that is also not far from my personality either. In moderation of course.
Paperwork is the devil really. Worst part of the job. Unfortunately can't live with it, can't live without it around here. If only someone else could fill it out for me. Alas, tis not the case. Speaking of I am out the door to handle one, enjoy your afternoon.
I've yet to find a mother who does not think their son is the most handsome on the planet. However, just this once, I'm willing to accept her assessmment.
I ended up being pulled away myself. The mountain of paperwork only ever gets taller. Must be nice to be at the top of the chain and not think twice about paperwork.
I am one of a few brothers in my family, I wonder if she says as much to them... ah well I am pleased you can acquiesce to her favor.
Mount Paperwork is an insurmountable climb unfortunately. You think you're making headway and you fall back down halfway without a clue as to how it happened. I've spent the entire morning working on mine which means it's eerily quiet around here and I am about to get smacked with more calls than I can handle...
Hope you get somewhere with the task at hand today.