(June 27, 2022 – 1:03 AM)Reuben Crouch Wrote:In that same age range, my men that could have feasibly had an ongoing ~thing would be Alexander Echelon, Desiderius Morgan, Philip Aymslowe (who does have an ad for an existing "emotionally attached thing" but I could retcon some of it away) , Timothy Ainsworth . Leonid Fisk as well but he would not have realized his own feelings for the other man until after his Emrys sexual awakening. He also feasibly could have always had them and just been a la Ford like HE'S JUST MY VERY BEST FRIEND/I JUST HAVE STRONG FEELINGS ABOUT HIS LOVE LIFE, OKAY. XD(June 26, 2022 – 9:04 PM)Clarissa Cosgrove Wrote: I have a broad amount of characters that could be Childhood Crush or Would-Be Spouse. Or really any of these tbh. I have 50, someones gotta fit somewhere. xD But those two are the ones that make me go the most ehehehee if you get what I mean.
If I go for bisexual UC male in the 30-32 age range (god damn do I have a type) whatcha got for Childhood Crush options? I perused your CD and I think I'm up to speed with your Would-Be-Spouse options xD
Esteban Zavala is also in that age range but that feels more of a stretch since he's working class and dropped out of school.
For women, I can't really think of any that would fit that would not have been able to marry a man in that range/class.