Charming's canon list has had a substantial facelift! Changes were based on feedback from a secret survey I executed earlier this year, as well as general aesthetic changes to bring the list more in line with the rest of the board. In addition to the list now being divided into three sections—Quote:— Potterverse Canons —
Era-appropriate characters created by JKR, occasionally with extra details unique to Charming!
— Charming Launchpad —
A place to start with characters (some original, a few from canon) tailored specifically to give you a jumping-off point on the board!
— Canon Surnames in Use —
Surnames from the books used by characters on-site!
—the following changes were implemented:
- Clarifying that we are an AU board and so character directions are up to the player, not to JKR.
- Defining popular Charming acronyms like "WCPB" on a page typically viewed by new members.
- Removing many households—particularly Irvingly muggles—and handing the reins of these families to any played characters in existence.
- Adding one new household (Doge).
- Splitting the Dumbledores & merging the Dervish & Banges households under one roof.
- Aging down many characters to allow for more school-age adoptables.
- Adding descriptions to each family and each character (not all had this before).
In addition, thanks to everyone who has been so quick to add themselves to the Canon Surnames in Use section! We hope that all of these changes will make the Canon List page a more useful one moving forward <3
The following 3 users Like Aldous Crouch's post:
Melody Crouch, Meserimus Valenduris, Richard Everly
Melody Crouch, Meserimus Valenduris, Richard Everly
— graphics by lady ❤ —