Full Name: Coleman Richard BeasleyNicknames: Cole
Birthdate: March 16th, 1863
Current Age: 25 Years
Occupation: Drug Dealer / Shop Clerk
Reputation: 3; He is a known drug user, doesn't always seem all there, his family has no parents and tend to cause trouble, and he dropped out of Hogwarts
Residence: London
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Wand: Dogwood, 11.5", Billywig Stinger, bendy
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Working Class
Raymond, Burton, Clayton and Rodney Beasley - his unfortunate brothers.
Appearance: Coleman is of average build and an average height of 5ft 7in. He isn't particularly muscular though is more well defined than some of his brothers. He has long, often unkempt hair he tends to tie up using string and his eyes are a blue-ish green tint.
He prefers muggle suits as he finds them more fashionable (and less conspicuous) than wizard attire and he often has his wand in an inside pocket.
He is right handed.
History: 1863 | Coleman is born. His brother, Raymond takes liking to him and often spends time with Cole, though tries to turn him into a troublemaker.
1865 | Clayton joins the family. Coleman, being two, is super jealous of the attention being taken from him and tries to follow in the footsteps of Ray. He often tries to get Clay into trouble but fails because he is 2 and Clay is a baby who is incapable of anything.
1866 | Rodney and his twin born. Isabell (The Beasley Brother's mother) and the twin die. Clarence, their father, turns to alcohol in his grief and becomes emotionally absent. Raymond takes over as the head of the household.
1868 | Burton was put into a carpet by Ray. Cole finds it hilarious and begins using this as his go-to form of mischief; wrapping Rod in carpet as often as he can though he never gets away with it.
1871 | Ray heads to Hogwarts and, feeling as if he's lost his brother and father, Cole displays his own brand of magic. It starts with shouting at his fathers lack of being a father. Burt tries to calm him down though in Cole's rage, one of the windows in the room shatter and the bottle on his father's hand begins to heat up causing the liquid to bubble and his father to drop the drink.
1872 | Burt leaves for Hogwarts and Ray is expelled. Mixed feelings from Cole though he is happy for Ray to be home.
1874 | Cole starts at Hogwarts and is sorted into Hufflepuff. He hates it and focuses on how he can copy other people's work rather than do it himself. He gets quite a reputation for being a bit of a slacker.
1875 | Back in school, Cole realises it isn't best for him though stays to ensure his brothers are okay.
1876 | Clayton joins Hogwarts and Coleman decides to leave. He drops out and pursues a "career" in obtaining "lost" belongings.
1877 | Clarence dies. Having lost both his parents at this point and noticing his family being some dysfunctional sort of party, Cole begins going to muggle houses. In one house, he finds relief in the form of opium. He steals the lot, uses some, and begins to resell them to wizards (with the help of a duplication charm; taught to him by his brother). He gives all his earnings to Raymond to help with Rodney's schooling.
1880 | Coleman gets deeper into the drug-trade and begins finding new releases through different drugs.
1882 | Becomes a store clerk for some legitimate income after pressure from his brothers.
1884 | whilst searching for better clientele, Cole finds a Chinese opium house and begins selling to them regularly alongside his other job. They pay him a hefty amount in the form muggle cash though Cole quickly realises he doesn't know how to exchange it so he hides it under his bed thinking it's worthless though not wanting to part with it. Just incase.
1888 | Now an addict of his own supply, Coleman continues to supply muggle opium houses because he finds them amusing as well as wealthy citizens of magical London. He works in Knockturn Alley as a store clerk.
Other: Cole is a confidant to his brothers; they often come to him for advice and to vent.
Sample Roleplay Post: See other chars.
Name: JonAge: 24
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