Noble blinked. He felt as if he was still too foggy with sleep to wrap his mind around this properly, and also he hadn't expected it at all. Things had been weird between them for weeks. It had been easier still to shore up the weirdness after Daffy left him, because he hadn't had the capacity to cease hostilities. But here was Ford, ceasing hostilities. Noble ran a hand through his hair, trying to flatten it.
"You think I was right?" he said, slow and perhaps a little disbelieving. Because it was hard to believe, that Ford had decided he was right after even Bella Scrimgeour said it was a bad idea.
"You think I was right?" he said, slow and perhaps a little disbelieving. Because it was hard to believe, that Ford had decided he was right after even Bella Scrimgeour said it was a bad idea.
set by Bee