I get Seneca muse from... Problematic things xD
Some examples:
- I watched a documentary series called Dirty Money and there was an episode on Jared Kushner and how his business exploits people who rent his properties and how he's pretty much a terrible person.
There was a bit on how he and Ivanka Trump were made for each other and I went like "YES, someone needs to play the Kushner to Seneca's Ivanka clearly."
--- I was reading Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand because I wanted to see what the super polarised views were about. The book can be described as the Bible of anarchocspitalists basically.
The main characters who are good guys are all Too Perfect business owners who are also clearly Capricorns AF and keep going on how they're hard working and perfect while the evil socialists try to exploit their hard work.
Ayn Rand also had this notion on Rational Self interest which basically says that you should be selfish and that is the most noble act you can do.
This gives me so much Seneca muse. She's kinda like Dagny Whatsherface from the book. Hell, Atlas Shrugged would be her favourite book probably lol.
There's also a guy in the book who is a psychopath workaholic with a steel mine business and he always has to make it clear that he is SelFiSh and only cafes about MonEy not FeElIngS and I was telling Lynn how he's basically Tiberius.
So yeah.
Some examples:
- I watched a documentary series called Dirty Money and there was an episode on Jared Kushner and how his business exploits people who rent his properties and how he's pretty much a terrible person.
There was a bit on how he and Ivanka Trump were made for each other and I went like "YES, someone needs to play the Kushner to Seneca's Ivanka clearly."
--- I was reading Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand because I wanted to see what the super polarised views were about. The book can be described as the Bible of anarchocspitalists basically.
The main characters who are good guys are all Too Perfect business owners who are also clearly Capricorns AF and keep going on how they're hard working and perfect while the evil socialists try to exploit their hard work.
Ayn Rand also had this notion on Rational Self interest which basically says that you should be selfish and that is the most noble act you can do.
This gives me so much Seneca muse. She's kinda like Dagny Whatsherface from the book. Hell, Atlas Shrugged would be her favourite book probably lol.
There's also a guy in the book who is a psychopath workaholic with a steel mine business and he always has to make it clear that he is SelFiSh and only cafes about MonEy not FeElIngS and I was telling Lynn how he's basically Tiberius.
So yeah.