February 11th, 1891
To: Mr. Marlowe Forfang via Publishers
Thank you for indulging my request for an advanced copy of "Mother Wolf;" at the risk of oversimplifying things, I learned a lot, and I ultimately enjoyed it.
I write this time with a more complicated request, and so I will be direct: let me interview you.
I think that the public would benefit from hearing from you directly. I have a few questions that I would love to hear answered that I think people would respond well to, and if you begin to take interviews, you will control the public narrative to a large extent. I'm sure that you have some questions on this, so - I won't bore you with too many details now. But please consider it, and let me know what you think.
Kieran Abernathy (Crime & Politics - The Daily Prophet)
Kieran Abernathy (Crime & Politics - The Daily Prophet)