Nova seemed to have had a bit more than usual to drink, and though Ophelia had suspected it earlier in the conversation this was the first point at which she felt it might be a slight hindrance to their efforts. Her list of qualifications for her brother's wife was quite scattered! Was it possible to have a quiet dignity but also be able to entertain and socialize well? Of the pair of them, Nova had the quiet dignity and Ophelia all of the hostessing and socializing skills; they were not equivalent personality traits at all.
"Well, nevermind; we'll find him a suitable lady," she said resolutely. "The first one who comes to mind is Miss Scamander, of course. I think she would be perfectly up to the task of hosting and socializing, but I've never seen any indication that she's particularly clever," Ophelia reflected. "And her family does have its issues — her sister works and her brother has that whole business with the child." Not exactly a glowing recommendation, but it was not as though the Crouch family were entirely without their scandals, either, so perhaps Aldous could not be too picky on that front.
"Well, nevermind; we'll find him a suitable lady," she said resolutely. "The first one who comes to mind is Miss Scamander, of course. I think she would be perfectly up to the task of hosting and socializing, but I've never seen any indication that she's particularly clever," Ophelia reflected. "And her family does have its issues — her sister works and her brother has that whole business with the child." Not exactly a glowing recommendation, but it was not as though the Crouch family were entirely without their scandals, either, so perhaps Aldous could not be too picky on that front.