Ahhhh so many new things! How exciting :D
Reuben Crouch I think Ford might work, since he works in the same department that Addison would probably be able to get into more easily? Plus the whole younger being more approachable thing. We could discuss more or I could have Addison just go ahead and send the owl?
Elon Wildsmith ooh they could have a pretty interesting relationship! Since they would be in the same dorm and figure out how to get along that way. If you'd want to do a roommates thread I'd be up for that!
@"Elsie Beauregard" yay for adjacent! Besides that, since they've already been interacting lol, Herbology is one of the subjects Addison genuinely enjoys, so he's probably spent some extra time with Mason because of that, if you'd want to do a thread like that or something?
Melody Crouch He'd definitely be friendly with her! Besides that, she's got the same name as Addison's sister (or his mum. but nobody knows that lol) so he'd probably let his guard down a little around her, plus they have the same goal of healer/struggle of less money, so it could be fun to do a thread with them hanging out!
Reuben Crouch I think Ford might work, since he works in the same department that Addison would probably be able to get into more easily? Plus the whole younger being more approachable thing. We could discuss more or I could have Addison just go ahead and send the owl?
Elon Wildsmith ooh they could have a pretty interesting relationship! Since they would be in the same dorm and figure out how to get along that way. If you'd want to do a roommates thread I'd be up for that!
@"Elsie Beauregard" yay for adjacent! Besides that, since they've already been interacting lol, Herbology is one of the subjects Addison genuinely enjoys, so he's probably spent some extra time with Mason because of that, if you'd want to do a thread like that or something?
Melody Crouch He'd definitely be friendly with her! Besides that, she's got the same name as Addison's sister (or his mum. but nobody knows that lol) so he'd probably let his guard down a little around her, plus they have the same goal of healer/struggle of less money, so it could be fun to do a thread with them hanging out!