December 5, 2020 – 12:17 AM
What: Gillenwater-Bell Christmas Party
Who: Hosted by Ambrose Bell for Cameron Gillenwater, Madeline Bell, and Greta Gillenwater's school friends
Cost: —
Where: Gillenwater-Bell household in Irvingly!
Why: The Gillenwater-Bell household is moving to Irvingly at the beginning of holiday break and are holding a holiday housewarming party.
When: Evening of December 20th
Now that all of the children in the Gillenwater-Bell household are confirmed witches/wizards, Ambrose and Annie decided to move from Godric's Hollow to the village of Irvingly so the kids can be closer to school and the magical community as a whole. The house is basically a duplication of their old home, but it's now on one of the more spacious lots to allow for more quidditch practice. Cam, Maddy, and Greta's friends are encouraged to get dressed up and enjoy a night of hot cocoa, stereotypical teenage games, and general holiday festivities.
Contact Player(s): Holly Scrimgeour