Full Name: King Barnabas Reinhardt.Nicknames: Barbie. Hates it. Only let’s Queenie get away with using it.
Birthdate: November 13th, 1870.
Current Age: 19.
Occupation: Reporter; Criminal Hand for Hire; Aspiring Novelist.
Reputation: 7? + Staff discretion for family scandal. Sooo IDK. Halp. I’m so bad at this part.
Residence: The Slums.
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor. [Fall 1882 - Spring 1884].
Wand: 10 ⅔” - Blackthorn - Dragon Heartstring - Slightly Yielding.
Blood Status: Halfblood.
Social Class: Working Class.
Father - Godfrey Reinhardt - Deceased [died to the laughing plague circa Summer 1884].
Mother - Andromeda Reinhardt [née Fleming].
Sister - Queen ‘Queenie’ Reinhardt - fraternal twin.
Brother - Prince Reinhardt - Entering 4th year in Fall 1891.
Brother - Knight Reinhardt - Starts school in Fall 1891.
-Stands at 5’ 11”, with a rather lean and built body. Has broad shoulders.
-Medium brown skin tone. Always outside as much as possible.
-Brown eyes. Long eyelashes.
-His hair is thick and black, with strong waves. Appears almost fluffy.
-Dresses in clothes that fit his frame well. Will often go for comfort over being extremely fashionable. Any amount of vanity stylings his clothes have are usually from alterations Queenie made while repairing them.
Godfrey and Andromeda were Hogwarts sweethearts that quickly hit it off turning their first year. Despite the fact that Andromeda was Working Class and Godfrey was Upper Class, the pair often went out of their way to interact during classes. They simply couldn’t get enough of each other. When peering eyes began to make things difficult they switched to endlessly exchanging letters. Andromeda was forced to dropout after her 5th year to aid her family, but despite the distance neither ever missed a letter. Once Godfrey finally graduated Hogwarts he was faced with the harsh reality of what was going to be expected of him from his family. Which essentially was that he needed to cease all contact with Andromeda if he were to follow the path they wanted to create for him. However after a few years of struggling through zero contact, the pair rekindled their contact and shortly after they eloped. Godfrey was disowned and completely shunned from his family as a result. Ever the sense of humor, Andromeda purposely named her children with a royal theme to annoy Godfrey’s family.
King spent most of his childhood dreaming up adventures for him and his siblings. Growing up significantly poor, the Reinhardt kids didn’t have much outside of their imagination and whatever random pieces they could find outside for their own entertainment. King would often lead the way [whether his siblings asked for it or not], and it was during this time that the Reinhardt kids really became as thick as thieves. Despite their own clashes in personality here and there, King very much lived in a state of vague annoyance at his siblings while simultaneously being unable to hear a single person drop a bad word in their direction. It was fairly common for King to come home roughed up from getting into fights with other kids in the neighborhood after defending Queenie.
-Academic Years:
Sorted away from his twin and into Gryffindor, King was quick to make friends with as many of his fellow Gryffindors as possible. He was regularly a troublemaker as his quick temper, and confrontational nature made it hard for him to back down to any kind of challenge. Despite these problems, King was a rather decent student who put a good amount of time into studying. He knew how much it meant to his parents, and his competitive nature made it hard for him to handle the idea of the other students looking down on him. King had been looking forward to trying out for the Quidditch team during his 3rd year, when the laughing plague hit during the summer of 1884. Unfortunately King’s father succumbed to the plague, and as a result of the families now slashed income, King and Queen dropped out right as their 3rd year was about to begin.
-After Dropping Out:
With the sudden responsibility of needing to help support his family, King began taking up various small jobs around the Slums. Over the years this slowly amounted to meeting more and more ‘shady’ characters, until the jobs being offered started to cross the line legally. Morally for King it wasn’t a life he was interested in or wanted, but with his two younger brothers still able to complete full terms at Hogwarts, it was a part of himself he was willing to sacrifice. King makes an effort to not bring up these jobs around his family ever, and is rarely home at night because of them.
During the day however, King tries to be fairly upstanding. His imagination and creativity from when he was young have never left him, and instead have evolved into a pungent for writing. A career as an independent reporter gives King a chance to write while also giving him the appearance of having some semblance of a job as he treks around the Slums. King’s real joy for writing comes from weaving stories and fictional worlds however, and often when King needs to relax he’ll try to find somewhere more secluded outside to write. Not wanting his failures to be aired out for those around him to see, King really hasn’t told more than a few people close to him about his enjoyment of creative writing. This is mostly because even his giant ego can only hold so much flame to the dream realistically when the shot for success feels so small. He instead chooses to write under the pen name ‘Barbie Tuttle’ and intends to try and keep it rather tight-lipped unless he happens upon success.
Scorpio. Extrovert. Adventurous. Egotistical. Charismatic. Confident. Determined. Cunning. Motivated. Imaginative. Quick-witted. Blunt. Loud. Bold. Brash. Impulsive. Competitive. Confrontational. Argumentative. Hot Headed. Reckless. Fearless. Street Smart. Pessimistic. Perceptive. Flirt. Playful. Tease. Center of Attention. Protective. Strong sense of duty towards his family.
-Patronus: Can’t produce one.
-Amortentia: Leather. Tobacco. Campfire smoke.
-Boggart: His family, dead.
-Heavy smoker, and moderate drinker.
-Hates being stuck inside.
-Night owl.
-Isn’t afraid to throw a punch.
-Can never actually stay mad at his siblings for more than a day.
-Goes out of his way to talk to pretty girls if the opportunity presents itself.
-Genuinely goes into new things believing he’ll be the best at it from the start.
-Secretly writes under the pen name ‘Barbie Tuttle’. Even though he rather dislikes Queenie’s nickname for him, King wanted to still be able to reflect a part of himself in the name.
-Has a small pet Owl named Mortimer. King will usually just refer to him as ‘Mort’.
-Right Handed.
Sample Roleplay Post:
Name: Stefanie.Age: 31.
Contact: PM.
Other Characters: Atticus Lilywick and Sumire Ueda.
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