Aug 28th, 1890 - Portree Stadium
"WOW folks, look at that, Hassani's bludger has made contact with Robbins and completely shattered her elbow! Ouch that has to hurt.
And Morocco saves the goal! It looks like Bixby's narrowly avoided Alaoui's bludger only because Becket Longbottom blocks it for him, albeit with his body and not the club. Looks like it just bounced off and —
LOOK AT THAT LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! Sabri catches the snitch!! And only just before Lestrange reaches it! I don't believe it! Morocco has won a match well fought. What a close game this has been, ladies and gentlemen, and certainly not without its memorable moments!"
And Morocco saves the goal! It looks like Bixby's narrowly avoided Alaoui's bludger only because Becket Longbottom blocks it for him, albeit with his body and not the club. Looks like it just bounced off and —
LOOK AT THAT LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! Sabri catches the snitch!! And only just before Lestrange reaches it! I don't believe it! Morocco has won a match well fought. What a close game this has been, ladies and gentlemen, and certainly not without its memorable moments!"
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
A | |||||
B | RB ZA * NW | ||||
C | O--- | AR |
MI AA | ---O |
D | KH * | ||||
E |
<-- LEFT | RIGHT --> | |||
Moroccan Score Zone | British Score Zone |
* = Bludger Positions
Game Play Directions
***Please tag AMELIA EVANS with your moderation needs: interceptions, goal attempts, bludger hits & attempts to catch the snitch!***