August 13th, 1890
They come up so rarely that I, too, have no idea how I managed such a feat. Spent most of the day cleaning my flat. Since my roommate and I are both workaholics we tend to let it go. So, not exactly restful but at least I wasn't chasing after kiwi deliveries.
Thank you for the flowers. They're lovely, and I now have the added bonus of being a source of intrigue in my department. Our plan is working swimmingly.
You've now made me wonder how old you are. I had presumed, of course, that you were on the younger side. But I realize now that's a foolish assumption to make. Will you tell me if I guess correctly?
As for the old man, I just try to think of it as paying my dues in the department. If it wasn't me he bullied it would be someone else. At least if it's me I have the added bonus of being known as a hard worker. I give you full permission to ruin his retirement party, though. That is if he does ever retire.
A gentle heartbreak it is, then. Let it be known that I shed a few tears in the process but ultimately understood and appreciated the reasoning. An amicable split awaits us at the end of this. Think we can still be friends?
If we are to be temporary sweethearts, though, then I suppose it's only fair you know what I look like since I have a decent image of you. My hair is a warm brown, but my mother insists its red. It does look red in the sun, so I suppose she isn't wrong there. I'm of average height for a woman and I have brown eyes. Is that enough to go off of?