His feet moved almost of their own volition, as though by clumping together with his team mates they might get greater clarity on what had happened and what would be happening. Despite his suspicions that someone was seriously injured, hearing it confirmed caused his stomach to drop as though in freefall. he swore and then cast an apologetic look at Meryem. He did try to not swear in front of women at least when he was in control of his faculties.
'What happens now?' he asked, there was clearly nothing the quidditch rabble could do for the poor woman in the crowd, would the British continue the match or call it a day? There had been no sign of the snitch, so technically the match was incomplete.
'What happens now?' he asked, there was clearly nothing the quidditch rabble could do for the poor woman in the crowd, would the British continue the match or call it a day? There had been no sign of the snitch, so technically the match was incomplete.