What: Claude Lestrange's Birthday Party
Who: Ellory is hosting it with no regard to what Claude would have actually liked for his birthday. Invited are:
- Family members.
- Friends of Claude's that Ellory is aware of.
- Friends of Ellory's.
- Random society people from clubs and shit.
- Unspeakables because she assumes they're ALL BFFs with Claude.
Where: Claude's house in Wellingtonshire
Why: Because Claude is turning 31
When: August 16th, 1890
The drinks will be sparked with sort of LSD-y things that will make people:
- See things in a different colour scheme (so grayscale for some, everything is purple for others, colour blindness for others)
- Randomly speak in different languages
- See hallucinations of people telling them stuff? idk
- Randomly get bigger or smaller
The rooms will be OOC inspired by Yayoi Kusama, who I was reading about when I decided Ellory is hosting an obnoxious party for Claude.
there will be a room like this with mirrors and stars to trip people up
For the INNER CIRCLE, there will be legit drugs of the sort of "rich people taking drugs at parties" sort. >.>
A new addition I JUST THOUGHT OF is that some drinks will do random age up and down things. Claude's enormous birthday cake will make EVERYONE look 31 so they all get to experience what will be like and what it used to be like. There will be other drinks that make you young and other old.
Contact Player(s): Soph