August 10, 2024 – 5:44 AM
Themis Lyra — Played by Amy
ACAB | REP Any | Community Event
What: A Night Under the Stars - Perseid Meteor Shower
Who: Everyone is welcome
Cost: Free
Where: Padmore Park
Why: Because who doesn't love space magic?
When: August 11
Come see the beauty and mystery of the heavens during a community star gazing event. In the afternoon, Professor Themis Lyra will give a brief talk on the Perseid Meteor Shower aimed at a general audience. Guests are encouraged to enjoy a picnic dinner in the park before settling in to watch the meteor shower after sunset. Will you learn about the stars? Sneak in the summer Astronomy homework? Enjoy a night out with the family before the children return to school? Enjoy a romantic evening under the stars?
Contact Player(s): Amy,
Anne Moony
August 12, 2024 – 6:55 PM
Thaddeus Flint — Played by Dante
UC/MCAB| REP 6+ | Event
What: The Flint Institute Summer Social
Who: Staff, Current Students, Perspective Students, and rich and important types
Cost: No cost, but invites only.
Where: The Flint Institute
Why: Summer schmooze party
When: 15th August
A garden party in the grounds of the Institute. White tents have been erected to shield guests from the sun. Food, drinks and music, with lawn games. While the guest list is school related and academic its a social schmooze.
Contact Player(s): Thaddeus Flint
August 15, 2024 – 12:04 PM
Rufina Mulciber — Played by Kayte
What: The Small Ball
Who: Hosted by Rufina Mulciber, the event is to do something nice for the well-to-do children heading into their first, second, and third years at Hogwarts (the Weasley kiddos are also invited). Parents/guardians are also included, but not those of ill repute.
Cost: —
Where: Mulciber Residence, Wellingtonshire, Hogsmeade
Why: #ThinkOfTheChildren
When: August 30th
It's literally just a generic ball, but for children. It also ends promptly at midnight.
Contact Player(s): Aldous Crouch

— graphics by mj ❤ —
August 15, 2024 – 1:05 PM
Madeleine Backus — Played by Dante
WC/MCAB| REP ANY | Public Event
What: Lughnasadh Festival
Who: No real organiser - its sort of just 'happens' and wizards like watching it
Cost: No cost to watch, but cost for market stall items
Where: The Hogsmeade foreshore of the Black Lake
Why: The merfolk gather every year and race kelpie in the shallow water, wizards get to watch and make a thing of it.
When: 16th August
All day of the 16th of August and into the night Merfolk gather in the shallows and race their kelpies. Why they do this human's don't really know, just that they do it on the day of the August full moon. The humans of Hogsmeade use it as an excuse for a celebration - some local men put out from bleacher style seating, but lots of people just bring blankets or stools and picnic on the banks. Some enterprising vendors bring out food carts and sell to the watchers. Some less salubrious but equally enterprising people run betting on the event. Its fairly harmless and usually small potatoes so unless its obvious or out of hand its normally accepted.
Contact Player(s): Madeleine Backus
August 17, 2024 – 2:14 AM
Antigone Lestrange — Played by Olive
UCAB | REP 6+ | A fireBall
What: The Last Party in Pompeii
Who: Antigone is hosting!
Friends, family, and society are invited.
Cost: ;)
Where: Oakshire Hall, Kent
Why: Tig's having a birthday and Olive is finally using the Pompeii theme she's had in her backpocket for Tig for about 3 years
When: August 17th
ANCIENT POMPEII. Don your best Victorian appropriation of a toga and get down to The Party of the 1st century!
The ballroom has been magically fashioned into a sort of ampitheatre, the dancefloor obviously being the middle bit (I don't know ampitheatre technical terms okay?) with the seating around the edge for those not dancing. There are illusory beasts - mundane and magical - that occasionally prowl the dancefloor. At one end there's an opulent Roman styled fountain but instead of water it's champagne. Glasses levitate in the air nearby.
Outside there's a miniature Vesuvius (it's slightly taller than the house but obviously small next to the real volcano) that will slowly erupt throughout the evening. The lava is molten chocolate that's been enchanted to look red. There's a table outside with a selection of fruits and skewers for dipping in the 'lava'. It is unnecessarily hot though and the closer you dip to the volcano, the more likely you are to give yourself a third degree burn. Eating the lava chocolate will weaken the consumer's impulse control - it takes 15-30 minutes to take effect depending on a person's metabolism and it has a cumulative effect - the more you eat, the more of an effect you'll get. The effect wears off like alcohol.
There's a modestly sized maze with statues dotted throughout which look suspiciously like the people of Pompeii... At the center of the maze is a columned building inside of which is a Roman bath. It's unclear whether it's intended merely as a decoration or for actual use.
Throughout the party, little flakes of ash will be falling both inside and out - it starts very light and increases in volume as the night goes on.
Contact Player(s): Ursula Black
August 24, 2024 – 10:30 PM
Samuel Griffith — Played by Lou
What: Dinner party for staff & friends of the Hogwarts School of Wizardry
Who: Invite list below. Every invitee has an +1, so if you're not on the list, hitch yourself to someone or shoot me a dm! Hosted by Prof. Samuel Griffith.
Cost: Free. Bring a bottle, if you want to be polite
Where: In the Alchemy classroom and the adjoining living quarters.
Why: Because the hard-working staff deserves a last hurrah before the term starts!
When: 30th August. Starts at eight and lasts until the last standing leaves.
See this thread about details regarding the game thread thats going to be happening:
![[Image: 9bd176e087340539982a59afd143a2f8.jpg]](
Guest list
in addition to a few unnamed scholarly types, two faculty members from Beauxbatons will be in attendance: Marguerite Durand (charms) and Étienne Beaumont (retired Alchemy Prof). You can use them in your posts at your discretion, if you like. They might feature in Prof. Griffiths opens.
He will feature a retired Durmstrang warlock in one of the opens: Todor Zhelev. He will be very drunk and disruptive to the festivities, feel free to use this one too!
Evening schedule:
20:00 -- the musicians start playing
20:30 -- dinner commences
ca 22:00 -- game thread starts
-- after dinner, personal conversation, card games, smoking, refreshments and academic demonstrations by obliging faculty members are encouraged. Don't forget to drink plenty of wine, it is a very good selection :) If you feel daring, you may even dance! How about a quadrille?
location info
The Alchemy classroom is a hexagonal room on the fifth floor with high stained glass windows. On this occasion, the chairs and tables have been removed to make space for the dinner table. Musicians will sit on the podium and play.
The doors to the living quarters are open. Guests can go there, sit by the fire for conversation, look at the peculiar instruments of Alchemy and use the balcony for smoking and fresh air.
The bedrooms door is closed but not locked, same goes for the dressing room and the storage chambers.
Contact Player(s): Samuel Griffith // Lou