(August 7, 2020 – 9:53 AM)Shula Karim Wrote:(August 6, 2020 – 11:04 AM)Freya Selwyn Wrote:(August 6, 2020 – 9:56 AM)Greta Gillenwater Wrote: Daniel Selwyn - Daniel you ass - Anthea promises if you are too much of a shit she's going to come and stay with you and Freya for a while totally not motivated about getting out of the child-ridden house.
Freya does not agree with this as I have plans that require an empty house <.<
You mean Freya wants babies. Or rather that's what my thread stalking tells me. And I may have known that when I threatened Daniel to play nice as I figured of all threats one that effected his alone time with Freya would be the cleverest motivation that Anthea could come up with as the simplest plans are often the best*insert evil grin* She was pondering adding a fertility charm to the pot because of that because it was a charm but wasn't quite sure if Fertility was something that Athena could claim. OR be interested in though it may have been submitted to her committee.
Considering Daniel is sterile no amount of fertility charms will work there. I have plans that require no houseguests, so maybe later down the road Anthea can stay for a few days. I doubt Freya or Daniel tolerate long term guests. Happy to discuss over Skype if that's easier!