Aug 22nd, 1890 - Portree Stadium
"Oh and look at that, a successful save on behalf of Moroccan team*!!! And look, ladies and gentleman, that poor Arthur Pettigrew, looks like Mr. Alaoui from the Moroccan team has done a bit of a number on him. A broken kneecap, that has to hurt!!"
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
A | |||||
B | RB | ||||
C | O--- | AP AA ZA* |
---O | |
D | AR MI | LM NW* | |||
E |
<-- LEFT | RIGHT --> | |||
Moroccan Score Zone | British Score Zone |
0020 Morocco || Britain 020
* = Bludger Positions
Game Play Directions
***Please tag Amelia Evans with your moderation needs: interceptions, goal attempts & bludger hits!***