CHARACTER NAME: Holly Herminia Scrimgeour
BECAUSE… I made her on the day I moved out of my parents house for college as an incoming firstie! I think that's why I got so attached to her: she was tied in with a very big moment in my life. I remember getting her app accepted while I was in the car on the way to college!
CREATION DATE: August of 2017
PLANNED DEMISE: I like the idea of her being killed by whatever poor man she eventually ends up marrying, but I also like the idea of something backfiring (not necessarily a spell).
BOGGART: Scroll that unrolls to reveal failing grades.
AMORTENTIA: Her pillowcase from home. Old leather. Burning wood.
PATRONUS: A baby goat trying to knock its horns into everything, probably. I'll probably have her patronus decided ICly, but that's my current headcanon.
ASOIF/GOT HOUSE: Targaryen, probably. Maybe Lannister.
CLOSEST RELATION: Camille Scrimgeour, although there's no one in her family she's very close with.
BEST FRIEND: Constance Sykes should count.
NEMESIS: Meta Lestrange. She's also not a fan of Calla Potts aka "Pippy Potts".
MOST OFTEN POSTED WITH: Connie and Seneca Lestrange
I DREAM OF POSTING WITH… Mariana Macnair, because (1) Holly's betrothed to her son, (2) she would rather not be betrothed to THAT son, and (3) they're sort of alike in some ways, and (4) Olive should bring her back.
IN THE MODERN AGE… She would be that loner kid that has random anger outbursts in the middle of class. Sort of goth, sort of "might become a serial killer" vibes. Would go on to major in criminology in college and scare all her classmates with her vibes.
DURING THE WAR… She'd be with the Death Eaters. No doubt.
THOUGHTS ON MUGGLES: They're trash. (Except Connie's parents, because they gave birth to her.)
THOUGHTS ON BLOOD PURITY: She typically favors purebloods over halfbloods and muggleborns, but it's not an automatic "if you're pureblood then Holly likes you". There's muggleborns (see: Connie) that she favors over certain purebloods (see: Meta), and there's some halfbloods she tolerates. Probably.
THOUGHTS ON ARRANGED MARRIAGES: She thinks they can be done right, but the parents need to have their children's best interests in mind. She's not fond of her own match, and intends to find a way out of it.
THOUGHTS ON CLASS DISTINCTION: It's there for a reason. She's more comfortable around rich people.
— She went to Hogwarts and was sorted into Slytherin.
— She met Seneca Lestrange, a fourth year, who inspired her to learn advanced magic. They practiced dueling and had a bunch of threads. I enjoyed it.
— She got detention during her first ever DADA class for trying to duel with Meta Lestrange (who had set her on fire).
— She found that being rich and pureblooded didn't give you an automatic pass at Hogwarts. She was mean and people didn't like her, and she became withdrawn.
— She was betrothed to Germander Macnair. It made more sense when he was a second son on the old board, but now he's a fourth son so it makes little sense.
— She met the Slytherin matron, Connie Sykes, after getting in trouble. Connie liked her and pseudo adopted her despite their differing backgrounds.
— She started "collecting" students who were top performers in certain subjects to teach her the ropes.
IMMEDIATE GOALS: Start trying to become a legilimens or an occlumens or even an animagus. Get ready for prefect season of 1891, which should be a trip.
LONG-TERM GOALS: Get rid of Germander or get the betrothal broken in a way that doesn't damage her reputation.
![[Image: RewardingEnlightenedAddax-max-1mb.gif]](
— set by MJ <3 —
BECAUSE… I made her on the day I moved out of my parents house for college as an incoming firstie! I think that's why I got so attached to her: she was tied in with a very big moment in my life. I remember getting her app accepted while I was in the car on the way to college!
CREATION DATE: August of 2017
PLANNED DEMISE: I like the idea of her being killed by whatever poor man she eventually ends up marrying, but I also like the idea of something backfiring (not necessarily a spell).
BOGGART: Scroll that unrolls to reveal failing grades.
AMORTENTIA: Her pillowcase from home. Old leather. Burning wood.
PATRONUS: A baby goat trying to knock its horns into everything, probably. I'll probably have her patronus decided ICly, but that's my current headcanon.
ASOIF/GOT HOUSE: Targaryen, probably. Maybe Lannister.
CLOSEST RELATION: Camille Scrimgeour, although there's no one in her family she's very close with.
BEST FRIEND: Constance Sykes should count.
NEMESIS: Meta Lestrange. She's also not a fan of Calla Potts aka "Pippy Potts".
MOST OFTEN POSTED WITH: Connie and Seneca Lestrange
I DREAM OF POSTING WITH… Mariana Macnair, because (1) Holly's betrothed to her son, (2) she would rather not be betrothed to THAT son, and (3) they're sort of alike in some ways, and (4) Olive should bring her back.
IN THE MODERN AGE… She would be that loner kid that has random anger outbursts in the middle of class. Sort of goth, sort of "might become a serial killer" vibes. Would go on to major in criminology in college and scare all her classmates with her vibes.
DURING THE WAR… She'd be with the Death Eaters. No doubt.
THOUGHTS ON MUGGLES: They're trash. (Except Connie's parents, because they gave birth to her.)
THOUGHTS ON BLOOD PURITY: She typically favors purebloods over halfbloods and muggleborns, but it's not an automatic "if you're pureblood then Holly likes you". There's muggleborns (see: Connie) that she favors over certain purebloods (see: Meta), and there's some halfbloods she tolerates. Probably.
THOUGHTS ON ARRANGED MARRIAGES: She thinks they can be done right, but the parents need to have their children's best interests in mind. She's not fond of her own match, and intends to find a way out of it.
THOUGHTS ON CLASS DISTINCTION: It's there for a reason. She's more comfortable around rich people.
— She went to Hogwarts and was sorted into Slytherin.
— She met Seneca Lestrange, a fourth year, who inspired her to learn advanced magic. They practiced dueling and had a bunch of threads. I enjoyed it.
— She got detention during her first ever DADA class for trying to duel with Meta Lestrange (who had set her on fire).
— She found that being rich and pureblooded didn't give you an automatic pass at Hogwarts. She was mean and people didn't like her, and she became withdrawn.
— She was betrothed to Germander Macnair. It made more sense when he was a second son on the old board, but now he's a fourth son so it makes little sense.
— She met the Slytherin matron, Connie Sykes, after getting in trouble. Connie liked her and pseudo adopted her despite their differing backgrounds.
— She started "collecting" students who were top performers in certain subjects to teach her the ropes.
IMMEDIATE GOALS: Start trying to become a legilimens or an occlumens or even an animagus. Get ready for prefect season of 1891, which should be a trip.
LONG-TERM GOALS: Get rid of Germander or get the betrothal broken in a way that doesn't damage her reputation.
![[Image: RewardingEnlightenedAddax-max-1mb.gif]](
— set by MJ <3 —