What: Wizarding Horticultural Society Annual Flower Show -also known as The Great Spring Show
Who: WHS is running it, anyone can attend to view the gardens and buy from vendors, experts and people with a professional/amateur interest in herbology and horticulture would take part.
Cost: Entry to view the show is few knuts,
If you want to enter a show garden into the competition:
Avanté Garden - a 12 galleons (By invitation)
Competition Gardens: 5g -Open to the public
not including the cost of actually arranging the gardens
Where: Padmore Park
Why: It's an annual show - https://youtu.be/VAVuckzokz4
When: 28th of May
Miss Agatha Aghern, a wealthy, and slightly mad, spinster who has dedicated her whole life to the WHS has seen her status within the organisation drop in recent years! She is determined to claw it back this year by taking home the top prize! She attempted to create enchanted topiary of animals to be placed in her competition garden for this years event. She couldn't manage it, and instead of trying something else, she bought 2 old elephants, a chimp, and a giraffe from a rather shadey zoo and applied a topical concotion to make them to look like bushes. She then stunned them. However, her spell work isn't what is used to be, so the stunning spell will be wearing off sometime around mid day! AND! Whatever potion she rubbed onto them is highly transferable and its getting everywhere!The event is laid out as follows:
![[Image: MgdKkvw.png]](https://i.imgur.com/MgdKkvw.png)
Central Pavillion
The Epicentre of the show, There is a large raised stage , announcements of winners, lectures and opening and closing ceremonies take place here
The Avante Gardé show Gardens
Professionals attempt to be as inventive and creative as possible. these gardens are works or art, spectacular sculptural creations from the best and brightest in horticulture.
Theme Comeptition Gardens
This years theme was The Animal World - and professionals and amateurs compete to create the best designs that are relevant to the theme
Judging Tent
Where the best blooms and voting occurs for the competition rounds.
Vendors Halls
Florists and herbologists have stalls set up selling their wares wholesale to the industry, or retail to the public
Herbological Gardens
Where the practical plants, and plant growers show off new breeds or strains, or new discoveries - usually the least crowded part of the exhibit because it appeals mostly to experts.
Magical Ornamental Flowers
Rows and rows of the newest and best magical domestic flowers, suitable as cutting flowers, or magical garden plantings.
Contact Player(s): Dante Madeleine Backus - all because Dante misses the Chelsea flower show!
![[Image: axFsLGd.jpeg]](https://i.imgur.com/axFsLGd.jpeg)