Okay I'm going to do the rest of these now xD
Ophelia - enjoys talking shit about people but doesn't want to be known as the sort of person who enjoys talking shit about people >>
Ernest - has my inner monologue when dealing with dumb people and gets to say some of the sarcastic things I prevent myself from saying
Jules - is a qualitative researcher which is what I'm doing for my workstudy job and also something I'm tentatively considering as a forever career. Her righteous indignation at the perceived gaps in the research community is my grad school norm.
Ben - has my relationship priorities, I think. In his sweeter moments not when he just wants to bang xD
Thom, Tib, Adam, and Emrys are a little harder but they've got their moments, I think. Tib maybe my more cynical 'society is doomed so let's just burn it all down' moments.
Ophelia - enjoys talking shit about people but doesn't want to be known as the sort of person who enjoys talking shit about people >>
Ernest - has my inner monologue when dealing with dumb people and gets to say some of the sarcastic things I prevent myself from saying
Jules - is a qualitative researcher which is what I'm doing for my workstudy job and also something I'm tentatively considering as a forever career. Her righteous indignation at the perceived gaps in the research community is my grad school norm.
Ben - has my relationship priorities, I think. In his sweeter moments not when he just wants to bang xD
Thom, Tib, Adam, and Emrys are a little harder but they've got their moments, I think. Tib maybe my more cynical 'society is doomed so let's just burn it all down' moments.