Welcome to Charming
Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Florence Fox
Full Name: Florence Fox, her birth name was Anasuya
Nicknames: Flo, Florrie
Birthdate: September 1, 1870
Current Age: 19 Years
Occupation: Professional Harlot
Reputation: 2
Residence: Bartonburg, Hogsmeade
Hogwarts House: Unknown, did not attend
Wand: 10", hazel, kelpie hair, springy
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Social Class: Middle
Family: Her biological family is unknown and has been forgotten over time.

Her found family consist of the Foxes.
Florence has dark brown eyes and dark brown hair that flows all the way past her waist when left to hang loose. She stands at a modest five feet, one inches and has a slender build. Florence tends to dress quite well and does attempt to keep up with both muggle and wizarding fashions. She is also quite fond of jewelry. She is ambidextrous.

1870: Florence is born as Anasuya to parents that she no longer quite remembers nor does she really care to.

1874: Florence shows her first signs of magic, witnessed by both her parents. They are alarmed and frightened which culminates in them leaving her behind on purpose during an outing - coincidentally by the Leaky Cauldron. She wanders into it and follows someone into Diagon Alley. She eventually ends up in Knockturn Alley and is found by Simeon Fox who takes her in and renames her.

1877: The hoopla with muggles finding out about magic finds Florence having mild flashbacks to her abandonment by her parents.

1881: The time when Florence is supposed to go to Hogwarts comes and goes, with Florence not attending. She does get herself a wand, however. She also begins teaching herself bits of magic from old books.

1884: As Florence grows into her beauty, she finds herself quite useful as a distraction technique. She charms a bloke with flirty banter while his pockets are picked clean by someone elses nimble fingers.

1886: Florence begins using her feminine wiles to charm men into giving her things or to do things Simeon wants of them. She also begins to attend events with some of these men.

1888: One of Flo's paramours gift her a cat that she dubs Chimera because of it's different colored eyes. She trains it to be a little thief.

1889: One of Florence's paramours rents out a place for her in Bartonburg so that she can be in easier reach and she settles in over the summer.

Sociable. Charming. Creative. Manipulative. Passionate. Seductive. Fiesty. Has abandonment issues.
SKILLS: Seduction, Beauty Charms, Manipulation
AMORTENTIA:  Oils, Chocolate, Roses
PATRONUS: Does not have the magical skill to cast one but if she could, it would be a swan.
BOGGART: Herself as a wizened old crone.
HOBBIES: Embroidery, Singing, Playing Piano, Painting.
PET: A Turkish angora cat affectionately named Chimera for its heterochromia eyes. It was a gift from one of her paramours.

Name: Kit
Age: 31
Contact: PM, ask for discord
Other Characters: See CD but this gal is #50 of currently active. Not overall but ssh.
How did you hear about us?: I've been here so long, I no longer remember tbh

Messages In This Thread
Florence Fox - by Florence Fox - September 10, 2019 – 12:04 AM
Florence Fox - by Aldous Crouch - September 10, 2019 – 1:09 PM
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