"I'd go anywhere with you," Ophelia answered. It was a sentimental response, but a truthful one. She loved spending time with her husband, even when they were confined to the British Isles and Ireland. She had spent so much time thinking of all of the places that she wanted to travel to that she didn't think anywhere in the world could prove a disappointment. Aside from the trip she'd won with Witch Weekly, she'd never been outside the country, but she'd grown up on her father's stories from around the world, mostly featuring the exotic creatures he'd gone there to study, handle, or treat.
"Maybe Africa," she said with a dreamy smile. Her father had been to Africa many times — Egypt, Morocco, the jungle of the Congo, the Sahara desert. It seemed more exotic than anywhere in Europe. She hadn't been to Africa yet, either, and she had been to Asia and Europe during her Witch Weekly tour. She liked the idea of being able to seem significantly more well-traveled than she was by claiming a wide breadth of places she'd holidayed.
"And — maybe seeing a midwife wouldn't be a bad idea," she added tentatively. In case there was something the matter with her. It would be better to find out sooner rather than later, wouldn't it?
"Maybe Africa," she said with a dreamy smile. Her father had been to Africa many times — Egypt, Morocco, the jungle of the Congo, the Sahara desert. It seemed more exotic than anywhere in Europe. She hadn't been to Africa yet, either, and she had been to Asia and Europe during her Witch Weekly tour. She liked the idea of being able to seem significantly more well-traveled than she was by claiming a wide breadth of places she'd holidayed.
"And — maybe seeing a midwife wouldn't be a bad idea," she added tentatively. In case there was something the matter with her. It would be better to find out sooner rather than later, wouldn't it?