August 3rd, 1888
Miss Lynch,
I don't believe I could possibly be bored any longer, not with the fog gone and the use of magic returned. I've yet to get too extremely busy but I foresee that changing rather quickly. And though I appreciate the sentiment of not wanting to be a nuisance, I highly doubt you could ever be considered one.
I do, however, have some good news in regards to your wand. The core is undamaged though it was jostled a bit in the incident that cracked it. I'll need to reset it and then strengthen the wood around it. As such, it will be a few days before it can return to your hands. I imagine through the weekend she be enough time for it to settle and rest properly. If you'd like to come by the shop Monday, I will have it ready and polished for you.
G. Ollivander
G. Ollivander