Mrs. Flourish
Reserved: Lady

Ned's wife! When they met, she joined the duo of Ned and his best friend
Nick Blott and they became an inseparable trio. Both men were in love with her and both delighted that their best friend seemed to get on so well with her as well. After Ned proposed and she accepted, things came
crashing down between Nick and Ned, and the pair stopped talking to each other. In spite of the friendship falling apart, Ned went on to marry her and the pair subsequently had two children... but I am very much not inclined to have their marriage just be blissfully happy, I want some trouble in paradise! Whether that's trouble that occurred at some point in the past dozen years and they're slowly recovering from it, trouble happening now, future trouble, or some combination of the three is totally flexible. I'm also always up for past threads <3 Basically I'm seeking a co-conspirator here to help shape their dynamic, not looking to plug someone into something that's already firmed up! (Also if you jump in you get angst with MJ, which tbh should be enough of a selling point on its own).
She was
previously played but rather minimally; I'm very open to changing any and all details about her & am happy to make adjustments to Ned's history to match. She is on the canon list so you're bound by these deets unless you clear changes with staff: Mrs. — Flourish, b. 1860, MCAB.
If the younger Mrs. Flourish bears any regret about breaking up a friendship, it is eclipsed entirely by how much she loves the lifestyle she now leads. A perusal of the other entries in the Flourish & Blott families in the canon list would be in good order as well.
Pictured is
Georgina Campbell because apparently I'll just put her face on every possible want ad until someone uses her. But her face (& ethnicity) are open, and if something fits you could even wedge her into an existing family!

Set by Lady ♡