What: PowderPuff Bludger Dodge
Who: Participants of the house Quidditch teams, Quidditch club, Quodpot club, Flying club; students who were invited by friends in one of those clubs
Cost: no
Where: Hogwarts Quidditch Pitch (but boundaries are not strictly enforced / not even slightly enforced so fliers may end up... everywhere)
Why: Shake off the rust from the holiday break and have some fun
When: Jan 18th
10 house points to the house with the most 'hits' at the end of the match, and 10 house points to the last remaining flyer.
Starts around 10am after Coach Crouch explains the rules and goes as long as the students can keep up with it.
*IC there are four per house, OOC we're sticking with two in order to not have the game dominated by beaters xD
Contact Player(s): Lynn Reuben Crouch

MJ made this <3