(October 10, 2024 – 8:16 PM)Millie Potts Wrote: Hey there, Millie Potts is my fellow 5th year girl and I swear these two are like mirrors of each other. Though where Cori dives into her academics, Millie dives into her fiction books. And where Cori likes to wag her tongue at others, Millie bites it, though she lets it free to gossip outside of their earshot. I would love to put these two together and see how the cracks appear, or perhaps they bond over their similarities instead.
They're both in dueling club as well as their core classes, so there's plenty of chances to build each other up, or ruffle feathers, what have you.
I’d love to have a thread of Cori and Millie! I was thinking maybe some casting practice? Perhaps they both have a similar idea to practice for Dueling Club and run into one another? (I was considering the mock duel, but I’m not quite familiar enough with how that’d work here yet to feel comfortable doing so – but I’d definitely love to return to that idea for a later thread for the pair <3)