(October 11, 2024 – 3:43 PM)Corinne Dursley Wrote: Hi!
*insert “why not both” meme here*
After looking at his profile, I think it would have hilarious potential if Cori and James were unlikely friends – he’s an annoyance, yes, but Cori somehow finds it within her to not strangle him when he pushes all her buttons (which is a miracle in patience in and of itself, right? She thinks so lol)I, personally, would pay to see James pester Cori for the hell of it
Connor looks like a delight x3 the library is also a common place to find Cori, so she likely is aware of Connor; she likes to read up on books regarding both her clubs when she has the free time, anything strategy-wise and occasionally historical, so all in all I imagine he probably knows she’s in the Wizard Chess club. If you’re looking for someone to give him a nudge one way or the other about joining the club when he can, I’d be down to thread the two regarding the subject <3 (he might also enjoy her frankness if he isn't great at socializing)
Cori and Matilda could definitely run into each other as MC ladies in Irvingly! I feel like Cori more knows of her than actually knew the former prefect well, but the two would be interesting to toss together (maybe pre-school year thread? or something during winter/summer break?)
Oooh I love the sound of all of this!! If you let me know who you'd be most into threading with first, I can add a starter to my list and tag you in it later! Any of them have room for another thread~

look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3