May 26th, 1894 — The Hogwarts Coming Out Ball
The Seventh Years had finished school, which meant that in a few months, Sirius and his best friends would essentially be kings and queens of the castle. He was ready, but also had a bit of dread about him — Seventh Year meant that he would soon be an adult, and Sirius was not sure he wanted that. Oh, he would go on tour, but eventually he would have to find a way to tell his mother that he was living at Excalibur instead of under her roof, and he did not anticipate that going well.
Sirius had two champagne flutes, because no one had stopped him and he could be very charming when he wanted to be. He found Miss Gamp — he had truly been looking for any of his friends, but she would do — and offered one of the two to her, wordlessly. When she took it from him, he raised his flute to her in a 'cheers' motion and took a sip.
"Enjoying your first Coming Out Ball, Gamp?" Sirius asked.
Sirius had two champagne flutes, because no one had stopped him and he could be very charming when he wanted to be. He found Miss Gamp — he had truly been looking for any of his friends, but she would do — and offered one of the two to her, wordlessly. When she took it from him, he raised his flute to her in a 'cheers' motion and took a sip.
"Enjoying your first Coming Out Ball, Gamp?" Sirius asked.
Hesper Gamp Ursula Black