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Imagine Me & You - Sirius Black - May 25, 2024

May 26th, 1894 — The Hogwarts Coming Out Ball
The Seventh Years had finished school, which meant that in a few months, Sirius and his best friends would essentially be kings and queens of the castle. He was ready, but also had a bit of dread about him — Seventh Year meant that he would soon be an adult, and Sirius was not sure he wanted that. Oh, he would go on tour, but eventually he would have to find a way to tell his mother that he was living at Excalibur instead of under her roof, and he did not anticipate that going well.

Sirius had two champagne flutes, because no one had stopped him and he could be very charming when he wanted to be. He found Miss Gamp — he had truly been looking for any of his friends, but she would do — and offered one of the two to her, wordlessly. When she took it from him, he raised his flute to her in a 'cheers' motion and took a sip.

"Enjoying your first Coming Out Ball, Gamp?" Sirius asked.

Hesper Gamp Ursula Black

RE: Imagine Me & You - Hesper Gamp - June 1, 2024

When everyone tells us what we can be
How can we rewrite the stars?

So this was the Hogwarts Coming Out ball! Hesper wasn't sure whether she'd have her own Coming Out once she was of age, she'd never known her great aunt to host anything but the occasional tea party with an equally austere friend or two. The Hogwarts Coming Out ball might be the only one she got - for many students that would be the case, but not so for the upper class girls, amongst them she'd be an oddity. If she only had the one coming out, she would have to make the most of it if she wanted to get married in her first season - which she very much did. There was no other (sane) way she could escape her great aunt.

So far Hesper had done more studying of the seventh year girls' progress than any mixing or dancing of her own. A part of her felt like an imposter, like she shouldn't be there. She was in a room (mostly) full of adults and she suddenly felt immature in a way she hadn't even as a first year. What if a grown man asked her to dance? Should she accept? But how could she possbily refuse politely? Fortunately, this had yet to happen before Sirius found her and put all thoughts of awkward dances with strange men out of her head.

As she accepted the glass, she couldn't help wondering whether he'd sought her out intentionally or just happened upon her. She didn't dwell on the why of this direction of thought, she supposed it didn't really make a difference in the end. 'Enjoying' might be an overstatement... she mused wryly. But it's still early. Hesper glanced his way and tried to assess what his feelings were from the look on his face. How does it compare to last year? Last May she'd been eaten up with envy that all of her friends would be going without her and the ghost of that envy had been revived this week. She might be going with them this time, but she got the impression it wasn't as big of a deal as it was last year.

Outfit | Tag: Sirius Black | Notes:

RE: Imagine Me & You - Sirius Black - June 22, 2024

"Oh, cheer up, Gamp, there's still time," Sirius offered; he took a small sip from his champagne flute. Hesper Gamp was always very serious — although she had not been when they met as children — and Sirius sometimes considered it his job to try to get her to lighten up a bit.

"No one's turned back from a hedgehog yet," he admitted, "If that's what you mean."

RE: Imagine Me & You - Hesper Gamp - July 7, 2024

When everyone tells us what we can be
How can we rewrite the stars?

Well it's all right for you, you don't have to worry about strangers asking you to dance! She meant to be mostly good-natured in her retort but there was an obvious defensiveness underlining her tone that caught her by surprise. Or no one asking you to dance. Embarrassed, she looked away to hide her face from him, pursing her lips ruefully as she did. Hesper stared at the nearest cluster of people and willed them to do something distracting so there would be something to distract Sirius. Not that I'm worried about that, I'm not, it's not my coming out. Why aren't you dancing? Hesper finally felt recovered enough to look at him again.

Outfit | Tag: Sirius Black | Notes:

RE: Imagine Me & You - Sirius Black - August 5, 2024

Hesper was clearly flustered; Sirius was not unused to seeing her flustered, but he did feel bad about it happening at her first Coming Out Ball. She wasn't even the center of attention at this one — how was she going to handle being a Seventh Year and debuting at it?

He didn't answer her question. "Would you like for me to ask you to dance?" Sirius said; his tone was somewhere between amused and serious.

RE: Imagine Me & You - Hesper Gamp - August 13, 2024

When everyone tells us what we can be
How can we rewrite the stars?

For a moment all Hesper could do was stare at him as she processed the words that had just come out of his mouth. What was she supposed to say to that? He technically wasn't actually asking her if she wanted to dance, he was asking if she would want to if she did and what sort of question was that?! What sort of answer was he hoping to get from her? A 'no'? Did he want her to say no so he didn't feel bad for not wanting to, was that it? Or was he actually expecting her to say yes and- Well she couldn't possibly say yes... Could she?

If she answered the question truthfully... Hesper considered. She wouldn't mind dancing with Sirius if that's all it was. But it wasn't just a dance with Sirius, it would be a dance with Sirius in front of half the school and his father was probably around somewhere and nevermind the notable society folk scattered around. More importantly, what if she said yes and he didn't want to dance with her or he was only joking and he teased her for taking it too seriously?

Hesper bit her lip and forced a reply before too much time lapsed and it became an obvious hesitation. You can if you want to. She gave a barely perceptible shrug as she tried to seem like the epitome of nonchalance - as she did so she found herself questioning why she even needed to affect the nonchalance in the first place.

Outfit | Tag: Sirius Black | Notes:

RE: Imagine Me & You - Sirius Black - August 21, 2024

A slow grin spread across Sirius' face; he'd managed to surprise her with his question. Well, good. He'd managed to surprise himself with it, too — he hadn't planned to ask her to dance, and hadn't really thought it through. He supposed that he was glad that he had.

He offered him her hand after she shrugged at him. "Come on," he said, "It's a waltz, just like etiquette class."

(Was she any good in etiquette class? He had to hope that she was, as otherwise she was going to step all over his toes.)

RE: Imagine Me & You - Hesper Gamp - September 3, 2024

When everyone tells us what we can be
How can we rewrite the stars?

Merlin, it was a waltz! Fortunately, Hesper was thoroughly drilled in her dancing but she didn't actually have much experience dancing for real and something about this exact situation was making her feel... nervous. Yes, she'd attended children's 'balls' occasionally but it wasn't like this, this was the real deal. This was the closest she'd ever gotten to the sort of life she could expect after Hogwarts.

She reached out and clasped his hand. Never in all her life had she appreciated the function of gloves more than she did in this moment for she was convinced her hands were starting to get clammy. It was ridiculous, it was only Sirius, not one of the intimidating society gentlemen milling around. He had been here last year though, had he waltzed with Flora? She couldn't remember if Flora had said anything about them dancing or not, but surely they had? They were surely going to be Head Boy and Girl together, they were close, they must've danced together. Probably they'd already danced that evening, if not they surely would.

I know what a waltz is. She'd intended it playfully but it fell awkwardly somewhere between teasing and defensive, although she'd had zero intention of snapping at him at all. Hesper bit her lip regretfully. Are you a waltzing expert then? she asked, finally finding the more jovial tone that she'd initially intended. Best to pretend it hadn't happened, she decided.

Outfit | Tag: Sirius Black | Notes:

RE: Imagine Me & You - Sirius Black - September 4, 2024

Sirius carefully led her into the opening steps of the waltz, gently holding her gloves hands. He started, and lost his rhythm for a second, at her snap. Luckily, she recovered with something that felt more like a joke — he grinned cheekily back at her. It was better to pretend that she had never snapped.

"Of course I'm an expert on waltzing," Sirius said, over-confident. "That's what we do at Quidditch practice, after all." (Now he was just poking fun.)

RE: Imagine Me & You - Hesper Gamp - September 20, 2024

When everyone tells us what we can be
How can we rewrite the stars?

Hesper broke into peals of laughter. What he'd said hadn't been that funny, but she'd been so tense a moment ago (not helped by his slight stumble) and suddenly it was all gone. You absolutely do not! She'd stopped laughing but she was smiling as though she might start laughing again at any moment. Hrmmm, on second thought, maybe you should go back to the quidditch pitch... She just managed to squash the impulse to stick her tongue out at him at the last second, much to her relief.

Outfit | Tag: Sirius Black | Notes:

RE: Imagine Me & You - Sirius Black - September 20, 2024

He grinned at Hesper, feeling cheeky. "You have to come to remedial flying lessons," Sirius teased, glad that she seemed to be having more fun. "Preferably before my birthday. I'll be testing you on waltzing." (There would likely not be waltzing at his birthday party, but Sirius was more focused on poking fun at her at the moment.)

RE: Imagine Me & You - Hesper Gamp - September 20, 2024

When everyone tells us what we can be
How can we rewrite the stars?

Is that your birthday party plan? Testing everyone's waltz? Obviously she didn't believe that for a second but while they were apparently going to be rather whimsical...

Outfit | Tag: Sirius Black | Notes:

RE: Imagine Me & You - Sirius Black - September 23, 2024

He winked at her; it was a bit of an awkward wink, but he'd spend some time earlier this year trying to perfect it. "That's for me to know," Sirius said, "And you to find out."

RE: Imagine Me & You - Hesper Gamp - September 23, 2024

When everyone tells us what we can be
How can we rewrite the stars?

She couldn't help but to laugh again. Had he actually just winked?! I think there's something in your eye. She fought the urge to smile with mixed success. She blinked rapidly at him in what was supposed to be mockery, but realized too late that she was technically fluttering her eyelashes at him. She immediately stopped.

Outfit | Tag: Sirius Black | Notes:

RE: Imagine Me & You - Sirius Black - September 23, 2024

Sirius laughed buck at her — it was possible that other people kept looking at them for being obnoxious, but Sirius was only looking at her — and mimicked her funny, fluttering blink.

RE: Imagine Me & You - Hesper Gamp - September 23, 2024

When everyone tells us what we can be
How can we rewrite the stars?

Hesper felt heat rise to her cheeks as she felt self-conscious but then he was laughing and she couldn't help but to laugh with him, only laughing harder when he mimicked her. In that moment it seemed to her like the silliest thing she'd seen in her entire life. Sirius, stop-! She stopped abruptly to continue giggling. I can't dance- She got a few more words out but had to stop again for laughter.

Outfit | Tag: Sirius Black | Notes: