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Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Slight Apologies
June 23, 1888
To Handsome,
Before you assume what I intend with this letter, I request that you read it in full. My actual intent may not be clear until the very end.

I am not sorry for speaking with Miss Backus. My intentions were not to upset anyone, I only wished to understand and make my thoughts clear. I am sorry to Miss Backus that our conversation lead to a misunderstanding between her and I, and I had already long since spoken with her and received forgiveness. In all honesty, the only reason I spoke to her to begin with was because I was scared that she would hurt you. Though I doubt you believe me on that.

I am not sorry for wishing to distance myself from you when emotions were high and all I could do besides that was to argue. I had been previously invited to stay with our aunt and uncle, and in my emotional state felt it best to accept said invitation so that I may clear my mind so I wouldn't hurt our relationship further. Clearly that didn't work, as your persistance to insist upon my return only made things much worse.

I'm sure there are some sour feelings due to the fact that I sent that letter back. I never got a chance to read it anyway. I was getting a bit better before you had shown up to retreive me, but I had not been calm enough by that time to have read it. I don't know what you said, and even if it was in some way positive, I doubt you feel that way now.

I am sorry for what I said about wanting you dead instead of father. My main reasoning for having said that is due to the fact that I have felt as though you have felt the same way about me the whole time, and still do feel that way. Ever since this began it has felt as though you have wished that I have never been born, and it has felt that you have made this feeling into a reality.

It hurts because... because I do love you dearly Handsome, and the thought of you wishing for me to have never been born has broken my heart every time I see you and think of you. I know my own words and actions have effected you negatively, but I wish that you do know that I've been feeling as though the brother I love has always wished that I was never born. I've always felt that you have treated me differently from my siblings, at least ever since father died. And now I keep feeling that you just wish I had never existed at all and it does hurt so much.

So yes, I have been cold, and I will admit that. I am sorry for being cold to you, but please at least acknowledge your part in this. Please don't make me feel like more of a burden that I already feel. I know you feel like I am. I know you hate me. And I don't know if I can be convinced otherwise, but I had to at least try to put this into words. To send this to you and let you know of how I feel.

I'm all alone but I've felt alone ever since last summer. With each month I have felt more and more isolated. With a clear mind I can see that those that used to be my friends are of no fault by you, and I'm sorry for putting that part of my isolation on you for the blame while I was emotional. But you have played a role in part of my isolation.

I am sorry for my part in all of this, but I dearly hope that you at least acknowledge your own part.

With Love and Care,

Messages In This Thread
Slight Apologies - by Sweetie Whitledge - July 2, 2018 – 5:46 PM
RE: Slight Apologies - by Handsome Whitledge - July 2, 2018 – 5:55 PM
RE: Slight Apologies - by Sweetie Whitledge - July 2, 2018 – 6:00 PM
RE: Slight Apologies - by Handsome Whitledge - July 2, 2018 – 6:20 PM
RE: Slight Apologies - by Sweetie Whitledge - July 2, 2018 – 6:28 PM
RE: Slight Apologies - by Handsome Whitledge - July 2, 2018 – 6:34 PM
RE: Slight Apologies - by Sweetie Whitledge - July 2, 2018 – 6:40 PM
RE: Slight Apologies - by Handsome Whitledge - July 2, 2018 – 6:48 PM
RE: Slight Apologies - by Sweetie Whitledge - July 2, 2018 – 7:00 PM
RE: Slight Apologies - by Handsome Whitledge - July 2, 2018 – 7:32 PM
RE: Slight Apologies - by Sweetie Whitledge - July 2, 2018 – 8:06 PM
RE: Slight Apologies - by Handsome Whitledge - July 2, 2018 – 8:33 PM
RE: Slight Apologies - by Sweetie Whitledge - July 2, 2018 – 8:48 PM
RE: Slight Apologies - by Handsome Whitledge - July 3, 2018 – 4:55 AM
RE: Slight Apologies - by Sweetie Whitledge - July 3, 2018 – 5:09 AM
RE: Slight Apologies - by Handsome Whitledge - July 4, 2018 – 12:33 AM
RE: Slight Apologies - by Sweetie Whitledge - July 4, 2018 – 12:39 AM
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