Welcome to Charming
Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Adoptables Storage List
[Image: 172Mrm5.jpeg]
B. 2 Sept 1880 - 1 Sept 1881 | MCHB/MCPB | TBD | INCOMING FIRST YEAR ('92)
Briony (name flexible) has been Louisa's friend for years; either they live in the same area of Bartonburg North, or they met at the park and became fast friends. Briony's family is quite different to Lou's; notably, no one is involved in quidditch, and she does not have a thousand cousins running around xD She is actually quite open except for the fact that I want her to be kidnapped in February ;) PB is hella open, but pictured is Miya Cech.

look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3

B. 1883 | MCPB | TBA | CHILD
Born June 16th, 1883, Caroline Georgia Weasley was the result of her mother labouring while spectating a quidditch match. In spite of her rather dramatic entrance, Caroline has had a generally typical life in the years since. A whimsical girl, she relishes her position as second oldest: still older than the little ones, but with much less scrutiny than Lou. Like her sister and brother, she is educated at home by a governess. If the Weasleys did superlatives, she would be Most Likely to House a Family of Puffskeins Under the Bed Without Telling Anyone and Most Likely to Leave the House Without Shoes, both of which have happened. She is not overly fond of heights. Suggested PB is Lilly Aspell with alternatives to be brunette.



Vain but cheerful, Endymion works as a cursebreaker/auror/something similarly adventurous-but-flashy. Once banged a Veela in a hammock in the garden, an event witnessed by his mother and Shalott and which has never been quite forgotten by any of them. Knows more about flower language than his sisters consider strictly reasonable.

yes this is me storing my own wanted because i made him >.>

look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3
Still looking as of June 23rd, 2021
Embers of an Old Flame
Jesse Hatchitt and by extension @"Fallon Hatchitt"

1863-64ish | open house | widowed | rep 7+
Vanessa Hudgens is pictured,
but I really don't care, POC encouraged!

As I mentioned in his Bridgerton survey Jesse had a friends with benefits situation going on for a little while after graduation. He and said ladyfriend went to school together, were likely in the same year or house, easy friends; Jess has his fair share of sisters anyway. She could have been friends with his sister, Connie in school too!

Her backstory is pretty open, any blood and class combo could reasonably work, as long as she was somebody who would befriend him personality-wise. Fair warning he was a bit of an asshole in school, got in fights a lot, etc, but he was better around people who took the time to get to know him, which she obviously did. I'm calling her Sarah here, but her name is totally open.

For whatever reason (drunk? dumb kid things?) Jess and Sarah fall into bed once. It was pretty terrible, but that sparked them to explore it a little further until it was no longer awful. They came up with a friends with benefits situation because why tf not? They used contraception of some kind to avoid any unwanted consequences and it went on for a couple years (he graduated in 1881, so if she's younger, after she graduated), dates flex.

Their arrangement came to an end when she started courting someone of a good station/place in life to properly do so for her and give her a comfortable living. She may have been WC or MC and moved up a class? Maybe she was MC and said gent just fit what she needed in life. On Jesse's side it ended amicably, but she could have totally had feelings for him along the way. He never did, nor did he give any indication because they were such good friends and he didn't want to screw that up. Any who, she moves on (possibly literally to a different country so they haven't run into one another for a long while?) and doesn't resurface until recently!

I'd like her to be widowed and out of or almost out of mourning, moved back to London/Bartonburg to be near family with her 1-2 kiddos (not Jesse's!). She's a good mom and is looking to remarry asap! I'm really just looking for her to cause drama for Jellon, so she could be temporary, but who knows where the musings will take us!

Still Looking as of Dec 31, 2021!

The Bestest BFF
for Ella Grimm

Her PB is WIDE open, but this cutie is RL BFFs with Ella's PB; there's so much pic spam! I also have a ton of pictures of her already saved for you XD


[Lily Blue Bass]
Sept 1880 - Dec 1882 | unknown house | kiddo
rep 6+ | W/MCAB

Ella has a houseful but that doesn't stop her from being the must bubbly extrovert ever! I would like for her to have a childhood best friend from the neighborhood that she's probably been friends with for ~5ish years.

They could share a governess because they're neighbors? Maybe they ran into one another in the park and hit it off? Maybe the BFF has a bunch of brothers she tries to escape at every turn? Maybe she's a huge fan of quidditch and a fangirl over Ella's mom? There's so many options! I would LOVE (and prefer!) she get worked into an existing family, as long as they would socialize with the Grimms in spite of their numerous uh, "scandals" (both Ella and her sister Vivian are bastards that Ev claims, which is pretty public knowledge).

Are they off to Hogwarts together in 1893 or maybe the BFF has a early/late birthday and starts the year before/after for ~drama?? I'd love to work this out with you! (I'm super bad at birthday math, so my years may not line up?)
Reserved for Finn!

— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —

60’s | UCPB | OPEN | Wizengemot Member and educator| Suggested PB: Jeremy Irons

The idea for opening the institute was his, although more of an academic he left the administration to his son. He is an animagus, dark arts expert and practitioner. He likely had a ministry job before taking up his seat on the wizengemot. He has travelled extensively.

LATE 50’s | UCPB | Ravenclaw | Socialite| Suggested PB: Jocasta Flint

Socialite and mother, she is the counterpoint to her husbands strictness and harshness. She is more of a soft purist, and although doesn’t disdain other bloods she would be disappointed if her sons married outside the bloodline. She is more classist than purists and considers ‘new money’ a worse stain than ‘new blood’.

[Image: Elsie-MJSig.png]
MJ always makes her so pretty
[Image: T7KiG5F.jpeg]
The matriarch of the family, "Lamentia" is not at all pleased that her fate is now in the hands of a stranger, but is choosing "kill with kindness" over simply kill, at least for now (with mixed results). Her primary objective is to ensure she and her girls are looked after, but what route she chooses to get there is open to the player in question! PB is hella open, but pictured is Carla Gugino.

[Image: Elsie-MJSig.png]
MJ always makes her so pretty
For Morgana Gaunt
Morgana Gaunt


b. 1870 | WCPB | Slytherin Dropout | Open Occupation | Suggested PB: Bill Skarsgard

He attended Hogwarts in September of 1881 and so has a pre-September birthday in 1870. He stopped attending Hogwarts after finishing his third year. He is a parseltongue and betrothed to Morgana. She is devoted to him and he, in turn, worships her but tends to be jealous of her capabilities. He is unlikely to be mentally sound and is prone to violent outbursts if he perceives someone as being disrespectful to him. He and Morgana were married on January 1st, 1891.

Marvolo is a canon on the canon list so be sure to reserve him there!

look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3
Zinnia Potts
[Mishel Micheev]
1868 | HR | unattached | 8 rep

The artist of the family, Zinnia is an accomplished painter and uses her talents in conjuction with the family busness. While Daff has inherited the business side of things, Zin has taken over the design elements. Her eye for color and texture is unrivaled! She is Daff's closest sister in age and relationship. I have NPC'd her for business things a lot lately, so let me know if you have any questions! She was not around for the florist explosion in November of 1891!

FOX'S ADOPTABLES - updated 6/22

- please shoot me a message if you're at all interested and we can chat through additional details
- faces are completely optional, only suggestions - however some physical attributes are not
- if claimed adoptable is deactivated, will put back up for adoption :) *

[Image: 497a343f5e47c9613af2a9bd445ad6c0bb688c16.gif]



— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —

b. open | UCHB | TBC | TOMBOY| Suggested PB: RED HEAD

A distinct tomboy, she thinks its very unfair that only the boys get to become wolves and is determined to become an animagus so she can run with the pack, or see if she can convince one of her cousins to bite her when she turns 18 as well. She idolizes her father and shares his sense of humor. She can't wait to get to school but doesnt want to be in the same house as her sister. Her nannys and governesses are constantly trying to get her to behave in a 'lady like' manner and looking to her father to impose upon her but he just wont. She has free reign in her fathers house, and the idea of her father getting married again scares the living heck out of her. Her aunt (_______ Greyback -Spinster sister - 30) is her second favourite person after her father. The girls are 2 years apart which everyone is taken first will set the age of the other

— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —
[Image: MKyIlDX.jpg]
Though he doesn't remember the last iteration of the reservation, Howell's grandfather worked there as a dragonkeeper, and Howell himself learned as much as he could from the old man upon its reopening. Howell is a man who is at home in nature, and rather rough around the edges for anything that could be considered polite society. He has a semi-grudging respect towards Madoc Yarwood, a genuine passion for his craft, and an affectionate side that he keeps rather buried, even for those who know him well. He's a bit of a paternal figure where Gwyn is concerned, but not entirely good at it. Pictured PB is Brett Goldstein.

For Lionel Lupin
Lionel Lupin

b. 1857-1874 | UCPB/UCHB*/MCPB | Open House | Society Focused (likely a debutante)
*halfblood with no muggle or creature heritage

This is very likely to be a "marriage-as-a-business-arrangement" type thing as that what was very common during this time period. (And of course, the fact that Lionel would not be able to fall fully in love with a woman since he is gay but sssh. :P) He turned 40 in August 2022 and that is not Ideal for him and honestly, he probably would have married a long time ago if I didn't suck so much at hurling him. BUT I DIGRESS.

I am looking for a lady for him that he either meets/already knows and both mutually decide they are well matched, meet each others 'spouse checklist' or whatever and decide to court with every intention of wedding. He has a good Ministry position and is considered prestigious. He has ambitions for becoming Minister of Magic one day. He is THUS seeking a wife that would enjoy society life and hosting society events.

Requirements are: 18+. Upper class pureblood or halfblood with no muggle or creature heritage. Middle class pureblood would also be fine but kind of stretching it. She should be the type that at least publicly presents as enjoying being a debutante/would enjoy being a socialite. Lionel would not give a second glance to any woman that has publicly known iffy things going on in her family.

I would like this to be a guaranteed thing that definitely ends in marriage after a brief courtship and engagement between Lionel and said young lady.

look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3
Laurel Potts
[Jennifer Aniston]
1842 | GHRS | married
8 rep | owner The Florist Potts

Laurel is... well Laurel. Formerly a Phillips, she has played family in the Fraser and Belby families. A meddler by nature, she loves flowers and puttering around the greenhouse, but also tends to get a little too into her daughter's love lives. I have ~minor board plot ideas here. So hit me up! She is responsible for the naming scheme and is quite enamored with her husband. She has a played sister with family!

look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3
[Image: uyFRZ7B.jpg]
The younger child of the late — Yarwood and his cousin, the great Gwendolyn Yarwood, Titus has always been more of a thinker than a fighter, though is not weak by any measure. He identifies best as an academic, though what precisely that means is largely unclear—at least to Gwyn. Unlike his brother, Titus prefers to remain at the Glen, the inheritance of which he thinks would be altogether wasted on his brother. Pictured PB is Ansel Elgort.

look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3
[Image: XoN16fJ.jpg]
B. 1878 | MCHB | OPEN HOUSE | FIFTH YEAR ('93)
Charles Whymper has been the man of the house since he was born, having never known his father. Oh, his mother never made him feel this way, but it has been a role he's rather adopted, making him often come across as older, or at least vaguely more mature, than one might expect. He is a gifted student who, at present, intends to follow his parents into the medical world—and who is vaguely stressed knowing that his OWLs could cause that goal to crash and burn. Open PB, but should be white or mixed-race.

look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3


Irish twin to the actual twins they have ended up in the same school year. Personality is very open, she speaks Swedish and English, she is proud that her father is the potions professor and is hoping to be in slytherin house. She does think It’s odd that she has nephews and nieces who are older than her. She is the only member of the family that her uncle Archimedes likes. She does have some minor seer abilities


Identical twin - A whimsical and odd creature, the elder by exactly 4 minutes, the two have their own language and believe in creatures that they have made up. The pair are marmite – people either love them or hate them. She is incredibly smart, gifted even and seems to know answers to things she couldn’t possibly have. Both sisters are Seers but as yet don’t really know it.


Like her sister she is an odd bird,
She sometimes forgets that others don’t speak the language that she had ODETTE made up and will sometimes speak in that language when she talks to others. She likes everyone and has trouble reading social cues, like tone and facial expressions but she is whip smart and seems to uncannily know things. Both sisters are Seers but as yet don’t really know it.



Isobel is smart ambitious, driven and done with all of the male nonsense. She wants to be Minister of Magic, or Head of Magical Law enforcement, and an inventor, writer, healer and explorer. She will need to live as long as her grandfather in order to achieve everything she wants to in life. She is serious, intense and driven. Her grades will be nothing short of exceptional, she is very hard on herself academically and is fully furious that it doesn’t really matter what she does she will always be limited by her gender.

— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —
[Image: V6I1DA3.jpg]
Enid is Gwyn's sister as much as she's her best friend—the daughter of the wandwood farmers that raised Gwyn, the pair have always been very close. Though the more reserved of the two, this has never stopped Enid from going after what she wants—indeed, she worked very hard to maintain a scholarship throughout her time at Hogwarts, and since graduating has gone on to work as a St Mungo's healer. Though the girls still love one another, they have drifted a bit as their lives diverged, and Enid keeps her deepest secret from Gwyn: the fact that she is in love with Titus Yarwood. Pictured is Emily Carey.

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