April 16, 2021 – 12:30 AM
George Robins — Played by Kit
George was usually one of those regularly dispatched for Hogsmeade ghosts. Today was thankfully one of those things he could handle, especially after Fords help just a couple days ago. This spirit did not like the location of some shrubbery and he had managed to convince her to let bygones be bygones.
George looked over his notepad to see where he was meant to visit next. Thus, he was startled at the sudden sound of a voice.
"You gave me a bit of a fright," he chuckled, so quietly only the keenest of ears would have heard. It wasn't so much ghosts he was afraid of but people coming up to him from behind. It could have been a murderer. Instead it was a ghost asking for something. He didn't know which was more frightening.
"Oh? W-w-what is it?" And what made it
April 29, 2021 – 11:16 PM
Barnaby Wye — Played by MJ
Aha! He had him now. How simple that had been: Robins had agreed instantaneously, caught himself all up like a rabbit in a snare, and - if he had any honour as a man - he had close enough to given his word, and damnably sure ought to keep it.
“Nay, what do you take me for?” Barnaby scoffed, still smiling far too widely for anyone’s comfort. “I’ll not settle for a common kitten.” Did he look like some easy-to-please country bumpkin, without an excellent reputation for culture and refinement and exotic taste? Why, in his breathing days he’d been the first wizard in the county able to flaunt his pair of pet guinea-pigs from the Americas!
“I want a bear.” He had seen bears in London in his time, so with any luck they had not died out while he had been indisposed haunting the mirror, though he was not certain bear-baiting was still the fashion it once had been. But perhaps a few of those old beasts had become ghosts, and would come trussed up in all sorts of theatrical clanking chains for effect, “- and all the better if it has been trained to dance,” Barnaby mused aloud, paying no attention to Robins at all. And if not a bear, what creature might be easier to retrieve? Hm. “Else I would mayhaps accept a windfucker.”
August 31, 2021 – 1:44 AM
George Robins — Played by Kit
George watched as the spirit settled himself into a tree. Or well, settled as much as a floating specter could settle into a base of a tree. He waited to see what the spirit should say next though supposed he really just ought to leave since it was clear this wasn't true distress on the spirits part.
George was not without brains, he was able to surmise what the ghost was talking about thanks to the couplet. "A bird," he supplied.A type of falcon, he assumed. Where on earth was he meant to find and capture one of those? Capturing a living one was hard, a ghost one would be next to impossible.
September 7, 2021 – 10:24 PM
Barnaby Wye — Played by MJ
“A kestrel,” Barnaby huffed, pressing a hand to his temples in exasperation as Robins managed to bungle the rhyme. It was as though the boy liked to be purposely obtuse. Did he think that would allow him to wriggle out of the request? Not likely. He was employed for this.
(If he had been Barnaby’s manservant in life, he might have been sacked immediately. Oh, how one’s standards must drop in Death.)
“I am sure you will find a way,” Barnaby offered, changing tack and covering his irony with faux-sweetness, in case honeyed tones persuaded Robins not to flee the scene at once and forget his demand for a pet entirely, if outright bullying wasn’t working. “There must be great passion and determination lurking somewhere behind that rosy-cheeked mien of yours. And a most developed brain. Plenty of wits and creativity in there, just waiting to be used. Come, say you will do it. ‘Twill be a lonely existence without a fine-feathered friend to perch ‘pon my arm.” Barnaby pouted hopefully, as if this had been a long-held desire and not what amounted to a whim. Hopefully Robins would at least start searching for a ghost kestrel. (Else he could... start slaughtering living kestrels until one stayed on in spirit? Barnaby wasn’t actually sure he – even he, master of persuasion! – could sell that as a strategy.)
September 12, 2021 – 10:10 PM
Last modified: September 13, 2021 – 4:36 AM by George Robins.
George Robins — Played by Kit
Oh. Okay. He knew what a kestral was. Blimey, why couldn't the spirit have just said that in the first place?
"I can try but I don't know where I am going to find a spirit-kestral." The Forbidden Forest perhaps but that place was scary. Maybe he could drag a friend with him. He reflected that he needed to maybe make some bulkier friends that could throw down with a wild animal if need be. Because that certainly was not George "Literally Could Not Hurt A Fly" Robins.
Swayed by Wyes words, George gave him a sympathetic look. "I'll do what I can but it might take a while."
September 29, 2021 – 8:20 PM
Barnaby Wye — Played by MJ
There, Robins had gotten there eventually, and he still sounded a little set adrift by the assignment, but it was hardly the most outlandish thing Barnaby might have asked for.
He could always go back to the dancing bear request once the kestrel was in his grasp.
“I have the utmost faith in you,” Barnaby said gallantly, floating up and pretending to rest his hand upon the – obscenely tall – fellow’s shoulders. Except that remark went a touch beyond all credulity, didn’t it? Barnaby amended the thought accordingly, at his protests of it taking some time. “...And fortunately I am not going anywhere.”