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Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Tricky Operation
August 19th, 1890
Not as much fun if we break the anonymity. These fake and/or secret notions become far more serious if there's a face attached.

Hm. Well, you did send me flowers thrice. Do those count as a series of romantic gestures? I think we're more of a whirlwind romance type, seeing how easy it was to get swept up in the mystery of it all. If we were married, you would be welcome in my bed and we would have children. Big if, though, seeing as you're meant to break my heart.

The ring is adorable. Did you weave the chain yourself?

August 19th, 1890

Saoirse then, it is getting serious. It's true I suppose, but you can't tell me you're not the least but curious. We seem rather compatible after all. Certainly on the same page in a lot of respects.

Am I though? Seems to be be getting more and more serious each day. I did just basically propose after all. I made it magically, transfiguration master, remember? It's enchanted to last, though hard to tell for how long. Maybe until hearts get broken. . .
J. Patrick

[Image: 3HhBWO.png]
delicious biceps brought to you by MJ!
August 19th, 1890
Late Afternoon
Forgive me if I still call you JP. It fits you better, I think.

I suppose I must admit I am dreadfully curious. Letters are an easy way to get to know one another without the stress of expectations and propriety. Merlin knows I ought to have fainted at the content of your last letter. Is it terrible to say I don't want those strains on whatever bizarre friendship this is? Not yet, anyway.

Did you propose? There was a ring sent and the topic mentioned, but I believe a question has to be asked first. The ring is a proof of your talent, then. I have to admit, I haven't worn it yet.

August 19th, 1890

Fair, childhood nickname I have yet to outgrow. I'm quite fond of Saoirse, I have Irish heritage too, hence the Patrick.

I agree, it's been an interesting ride and refreshing at that. Too forward was I? My apologies, though only minimally. If we're going to be pretend married now, there are some more intimate details we should know about one another.

Ahh a straightforward question it is; Miss Saoirse, will you accept my flower ring as a token of my written affection and do the honor me of being my hypothetical wife? It is charmed to adjust to any size, even a bracelet if you would prefer.

[Image: 3HhBWO.png]
delicious biceps brought to you by MJ!
August 19th, 1890
Late Afternoon
Believe it or not, I've yet to travel to Ireland. I'd love to go and explore my (our?) heritage(s) one day.

Not too forward, I didn't mind. It was, as you said, a refreshing change from the daily small talk. Are there any other intimate details a fake husband ought to know?

Which lends itself to answering your question. Yes, I would be delighted to be your hypothetical wife. Your excellent transfiguration skills proved themselves once more, for it does fit me perfectly. You could make a killing selling these. And considering you have a wife to support now, it might be in your best interest to.

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   Jesse Hatchitt
August 20th, 1890

Ireland is lovely, it's where I was those last few days taking care of the latest situation. I think you'd quite enjoy it, the seaside is especially breathtaking. I'll take you on our honeymoon if you'd like. Speaking of, I need to head back for a couple of days, so likely won't be able to write until early next week.

I should think there are plenty of things a husband should know, but that would pop our pretend bubble. Tell me something no one else knows about you.

At last, at least I have confirmation before I leave later. I could sell them, but then yours wouldn't be special, now would it?

The following 1 user Likes Jesse Hatchitt's post:
   Fallon Gillespie

[Image: 3HhBWO.png]
delicious biceps brought to you by MJ!
August 19th, 1890
Late Afternoon
You'll have to tell me about it when you get back. And yes, it'll be our honeymoon trip. Odds of either of us managing an extended vacation from work are fairly small. It would be good to stay within range.

A somewhat depressing fact about me, but the only one I can think of presently: I can no longer cast my patronus. It used to be a Tasmanian devil, a fiesty little thing. There was one case I worked shortly out of school and I haven't managed it since.

That's true. I do adore mine, oddly enough. Flowers were never my thing growing up.
Stay Safe,

August 25th, 1890

It took a day longer than I anticipated. What a mess. There were some... duplication charms on some... potatoes that were, I cannot even make this up, I'm not that creative apparently. It's settled now thank Merlin. It will make for a nice honeymoon however, the southwest coast is a little remote, but very charming.

I haven't been very good at a corporeal patronus since losing my sister either, actually. So you're not alone there.

Well, I'm glad you like it. It's one of a kind. I can however change the flower if there's one you prefer.

[Image: 3HhBWO.png]
delicious biceps brought to you by MJ!
August 26th, 1890

Busy for you yesterday? Usually hear from you by lunch, everything alright?

It's a little suspect that I propose and plan a honeymoon only for the lass not to reply. Hope you haven't succumbed to an avalanche of Mt. Paperwork.

Hoping no news is good news, but wouldn't mind an update.

The following 1 user Likes Jesse Hatchitt's post:
   Fallon Gillespie

[Image: 3HhBWO.png]
delicious biceps brought to you by MJ!
August 27th, 1890
before leaving

Alright my darling Pseudo-Fiance, now I'm worried no news is bad news. I'm genuinely concerned the kiwis are giving you a hard time, please just give me some kind of update so I know you're alright.

I'm tempted to follow the memo through the ministry to find where it lands, but I don't want to invade or make a scene. Just let me know when you can.
Worried about you,

[Image: 3HhBWO.png]
delicious biceps brought to you by MJ!
August 28th, 1890

Did I do something wrong? Too much? I can back off, or stop if you want. I just need to know, S, it's admittedly killing me not hearing back. I thought we were having a good time. I don't want to be too persistent if you've lost interest, just give me a heads up and I'll knock it off, but I don't take hints very well, I need to be flat out told.

[Image: 3HhBWO.png]
delicious biceps brought to you by MJ!

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