Welcome to Charming, where swirling petticoats, the language of flowers, and old-fashioned duels are only the beginning of what is lying underneath…
After a magical attempt on her life in 1877, Queen Victoria launched a crusade against magic that, while tidied up by the Ministry of Magic, saw the Wizarding community exiled to Hogsmeade, previously little more than a crossroad near the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In the years that have passed since, Hogsmeade has suffered plagues, fires, and Victorian hypocrisy but is still standing firm.
Thethe year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.
Complete a thread started and set every month for twelve consecutive months. Each thread must have at least ten posts, and at least three must be your own.
Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
Pardon the late response. I was off yesterday, thank, Merlin. I was practically a ghoul after working through that paperwork! and our poor owl apparently can't be bothered to find me at home. I hope your coffee got you through the day. I think I've had the equivalent of two pots by now and I'm still sleepy.
While I fully agree that this man deserves a swift kick in the rear, he is twenty years my senior and has a mountain of experience. That and his misogyny make me reluctant to release my pettiness. One word from him to my boss and it could mean the end of my career. Trust me, I've dreamt of detailed plans on how to enact my revenge. Perhaps at his retirement party.
A niffler at work? That doesn't sound efficient at all. Reminds me to keep my valuables close to me, too. I see you've figured out I don't work in the beast department, either.
Oh, no. You, sir, would be doing the heartbreaking, so I may use it as an excuse to become the spurned spinster. Nothing to stop my ambition if I don't have to explain why I've not married yet. That being said, it would be an honor to have my heart fake-broken by you. And no, I've no gentleman callers to speak of, in case that weren't already obvious.
A day off?! How do you get those? Hope it was restful on some level.
Well then, that is most unfortunate. Old guys really are the worst. I should wonder what would happen if a little present we're to make it's way to his desk... Not from you of course. I can't complain over here, I'm not the youngest nor the oldest, but happily in the middle, though still down the ladder. Also fortunately I'm pretty good at my job, and the added benefit of being male. I assume you are quite good in your position as well, but old goats cannot be taught new tricks, like the validity of a woman doing well at the ministry. My apologies oh behalf of my clearly inferior gender.
Oh the niffler is quite amusing. Fairly well trained too. Causes a mishap every now and then certainly, but for the most part rides around in an interior robe pocket looking for treats.
If I must be the cad in this ruse of a relationship, please let it be known that I broke it off gently somehow. I would hate to earn a heartbreaker's reputation when all I was trying to do was not stand in the way of your very important and promising career.
However since there are no gentlemen callers at present, I think it's safe to say heartbreak does not have to come just yet. We can enjoy the time for a little while longer.
They come up so rarely that I, too, have no idea how I managed such a feat. Spent most of the day cleaning my flat. Since my roommate and I are both workaholics we tend to let it go. So, not exactly restful but at least I wasn't chasing after kiwi deliveries.
Thank you for the flowers. They're lovely, and I now have the added bonus of being a source of intrigue in my department. Our plan is working swimmingly.
You've now made me wonder how old you are. I had presumed, of course, that you were on the younger side. But I realize now that's a foolish assumption to make. Will you tell me if I guess correctly?
As for the old man, I just try to think of it as paying my dues in the department. If it wasn't me he bullied it would be someone else. At least if it's me I have the added bonus of being known as a hard worker. I give you full permission to ruin his retirement party, though. That is if he does ever retire.
A gentle heartbreak it is, then. Let it be known that I shed a few tears in the process but ultimately understood and appreciated the reasoning. An amicable split awaits us at the end of this. Think we can still be friends?
If we are to be temporary sweethearts, though, then I suppose it's only fair you know what I look like since I have a decent image of you. My hair is a warm brown, but my mother insists its red. It does look red in the sun, so I suppose she isn't wrong there. I'm of average height for a woman and I have brown eyes. Is that enough to go off of?
Bah, cleaning, I would have spent the day sleeping. Good for you, you're a better human being than I am.
You're very welcome. I don't do anything halfheartedly, even pretend romances. I shall endeavour to be the best faux best beau you've ever had.
No guessing necessary, I'm about a month shy of my 28th birthday. In between a rookie and able to actually think about settling down like my mother would like. I'm going to go out on a limb and say I've got at least a couple years on you. I should only think youth to be a benefit in chasing kiwis around.
To be fair, in a moment of candid truth, I personally wouldn't mind a wife with a career. However, a ruined retirement party it is, as long as we've remained friendly after our inevitable, understandable split.
Don't think I'd call it being a better human. I'm just restless.
Twenty-eight? Hm. You were only a few years ahead of me then. I'll be twenty-five this winter. Do you think we've already met? How hilarious that would be.
In another moment of candid truth, I'm not wholly opposed to marrying. Not anytime within the next year or two. I'm still trying to make a name in my department.
I like to think we'll remain friends post split. In fact, I'm counting on it.
Our chances of having at least passed one another is very high. We were at school together, we work in the same, albeit large, building. It does seem like we are both quite busy in our respective departments however, but who knows. There's an easy way to find out, but I for one, am still enjoying the anonymity at the moment.
A solid request, to be founded in ones career before having outside distractions. I am very much on the same page there.
Pardon me, I realize I neglected to mention; we would have had beautiful hypothetical children. Auburn has always been a favorite of mine. Friends it will be then, until then, another token of my fictional affection.
Cheers, JP
this time a trio of white narcissus flowers and a chocolate frog
Oh, I wasn't suggesting to break the anonymity. It's rather fun having a mysterious pen-pal/fake-beau. Keeps the day exciting.
They would have been stunningly beautiful. Auburn hair with blue eyes. It's a tragedy our romance couldn't survive the realities of the world.
Chocolate frogs are my favorite, so thank you, once again, for the small gift. It'll make the long night tonight more tolerable. Buried under paperwork again, the bureaucracy of my department was wholly unexpected when I applied. I hope your night goes better than mine.
Until Then,
a small flock of origami birds flew out of the envelope when opened
I quite agree. My coworkers now think I have a secret admirer, I'm catching a lot of flack actually! I think they're just jealous. To think it would be so absurd, honestly.
Such adventurous little creatures that would have been too. I fear we would have had our hands full, perhaps it's for the better.
Well fancy that, I'm pretty good at this. I'll file that away for later use. I hope you managed to survive the paperwork alright. I'm out on assignment for a couple days, may not be able to write back for a bit. Don't miss me too much.
Are secret admirers and secret-fake beaus not one in the same? Either way, I can't I'm sorry for any flack you're getting. It's been comical watching people question my flowers.
Perhaps so.
A few days! Merlin, I hope whatever case you're on isn't too terrible. Best of luck with that. No promises on missing you.
I suppose it depends on how much information has been divulged. I for one like to keep them guessing, so I let them have their gossip. I swear grown men are worse than young debutantes sometimes.
Nothing too terrible. Was something that had apparently left unchecked for longer than it should have been, resulting in a large issue out in the countryside. It was one of the more amusing cases I've worked on, also one of the most extensive. No harm, no foul, but I'm half asleep at my desk. I wonder if I could sneak in a desk nap unnoticed.
The only one who knows of you is my roommate, simply because I had to explain the daffodils. I'm happy to leave the rest wondering.
I don't advise sleeping at your desk. Not only will it leave an awful crick in your neck, but you run the risk of being spotted and reported. Coffee, coffee, coffee. That's the solution to life.
Now you're the one who sounds mysterious. Are you certain no one was harmed? Seems like the kind of incident you'd read about in the Prophet.
A little but if mystery keeps them going, I suppose. I've heard some pretty funny things so far. My favorite is that in secretly married, but we live apart because she's of a higher station and cannot risk getting caught until I can support us. The other is that I'm corresponding with a half-goblin. I cannot make these things up myself, I promise.
Unlikely, this was rather illegal, but on the department and would make us look terrible for not following up sooner. To be fair I was not yet in the department when it started, so I didn't know. It's been sorted however, worry scheduled regular check ins from here on out.
I must admit, it was nice to come back to a letter in my desk, so maybe I did miss you as little.
Not a half goblin, I promise. Secretly married...that I can get behind. Not sure about the station thing, I come from pretty humble beginnings.
I have to admit, I'm even more curious now. What exactly did your department fail to check in on? You can use fruit as a codeword if you can't divulge details.
Only maybe? How disappointing. And here I thought we were secret lovers!
August 23, 2020 – 7:48 PM
Last modified: August 23, 2020 – 8:09 PM by Jesse Hatchitt.
I'm quite intrigued here (and selfishly relieved you're not a half goblin, at horrible as that makes me sound). This is escalating rather quickly from faux beau to married lovers. I'm certainly not opposed, but I need to know if I should be purchasing a ring. Also if we're married now, should I be looking for a suitable home?
I may be in need of some more personal information before I divulge the secrets of my work life. How can we build a lasting relationship with so much we don't know much about one another?
Now that's the question isn't it. Enough to keep the anonymity or not? We've got the basic set up of families, looks, the bare minimum on jobs and careers. I suppose it could be enough to fabricate a marriage, though I'll have to make up a name?
Did I win you over with a series of romantic gestures? Was it a whirlwind romance on a whim? Will we live in the city or the country? Do I get to share your bed every now and then? Will there be those hypothetical children? These are important things a man needs to know.
I've attached a sample ring*, should these be agreeable to you. Or you need something to think if me fondly by.
Cheers, JP
*said ring is a tiny woven daisy chain with a single small flower where the stone would be, enchanted to last a while