August 6, 2020 – 10:53 PM
Augusta Robins — Played by MJ
Gus couldn't stop herself from cheering when Bixby punched the quaffle right back in, the poor Moroccan keeper a one man wall against the onslaught. Figuring she may as well do her part - this was the finals, she certainly wasn't going to feel bad about it - Gus swept under the quaffle and tossed it towards the rightmost hoop for another shot.
C1 -> B1, attempted shot Amelia Evans
gorgeous set by Lady!
August 6, 2020 – 10:57 PM
Rufus Bixby — Played by Fallin
Yes! Another goal and the quaffle remained in their possession as Robins grabbed it. Rufus quickly swooped under her effectively trading spaces so they could keep up the pressure on the keeper.
B1 to C1
BEE-utiful set!
August 6, 2020 – 11:11 PM
Last modified: August 6, 2020 – 11:11 PM by Lachlan MacFusty.
Lachlan MacFusty — Played by Bree
Lachlan moved closer to the bludger, a roar of cheers around him as Britain scored another goal.
(C3 --> D2)
— way too attractive set by mj <3 —
August 6, 2020 – 11:18 PM
Nabil Wahbi — Played by Finn
Nabil cursed and continued flying closer to the action.
August 6, 2020 – 11:25 PM
Last modified: August 6, 2020 – 11:25 PM by Karim Hassani.
Karim Hassani — Played by Emma
Reaching the bludger Karim whacked it as hard as he could towards the female chaser.
E3 to E2, hitting bludger at Augusta Robins
Amelia Evans
August 6, 2020 – 11:26 PM
Last modified: August 6, 2020 – 11:31 PM by Lachlan MacFusty.
Lachlan MacFusty — Played by Bree
Lachlan attempted to block Hassini's bludger.
(D2 --> E2)
Amelia Evans
— way too attractive set by mj <3 —
August 7, 2020 – 12:16 AM
Howling in pain as the bludger shattered his kneecap, Beckett hissed out a few breaths as he tried to hang onto his broom and his consciousness. Falling now wouldn't do anyone any good.
Admittedly it took him longer to grin and bear it than he would have liked, but readjusting himself on the broom to help support the busted leg, he moved toward the action again and prayed this was a quick match. He moved to support the chasers pelting the keeper and added something to his plate but
whacking the nearest bludger at the Moroccan keeper.
C2 -> B1
RIP Bee for she has died by Stef!set
August 7, 2020 – 12:59 AM
Last modified: August 7, 2020 – 2:38 AM by Zakarya Alaoui.
Zakarya Alaoui — Played by Olive
Zak saw what Longbottom was trying to do and surged forward, hoping to intercept the bludger before it could hit his teammate and send it flying back towards Bixby. Maybe this time he'd finally hit him.
[C2 -> C1
Amelia Evans]