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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

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[Image: V7XP51b.jpg?1]
B. c.1865 | MCPB | INCANTIMA | ???
The elder of his father's children, "Savino" is very much open to the player. It is likely that he is involved in his grandfather's mercantile company in some fashion, but this is flexible! PB is open but pictured is Jack Falahee.

Thanks to Bee for this magnificent set <3
[Image: 4tBiiCz.jpg]
Born in Ghana on a Saturday, Ama Ayodele arrived in England with her mother and brother with a singular purpose: finding an English husband. It was four months from introduction to the alter for she and Cosmo, who was assured by her mother that the family was, indeed, pureblooded. The two were happily married for many years, during which she delivered four healthy children for him. In fact, the entire family would have been utterly basic were it not for one tiny detail being brought to light: her muggle great-grandmother.

The two were swiftly divorced, the family broken up.

As a graduate of Uagadou, Ama is an animagus and a skilled practitioner of wandless magic—though does carry a wand to appease British society. She may have remarried in the years since her divorce, but if not, has been able to maintain a middle class lifestyle on her own through family allowance. It is likely that many of her friends "cut" her as a result of what she generally refers to as "the incident". Though her family encouraged her to return home, Ama wished to remain close to her children—though whether any other than Bellona remain in contact is up to whomever takes them on!

The PB is open, but should be dark-skinned. Pictured is Viola Davis. Reputation of 5.

[Image: KMWNkEm.jpg?1]
Whether willingly or no, "Luciana" has always been something of her mother's puppet. She and Bellona clashed even before the events of '81, and it's likely to be a bit of a shitshow between them now. Personality, though, is largely open aside from this! PB is open but pictured is Alexandra Daddario.

Immediate Ties: Bellona Zabini Cosmo Zabini Calliope Zabini @"Camilla Zabini" Victorius Zabini
Double Duty: Whirlwind Romance

[Image: gvM7opq.png]
[Image: qJZ7AH3.jpg]
Pretty, intelligent, obedient, and somehow just a hair above Evelyn in every way: Evey's younger sister Rosalind never seemed to have to work as hard for the esteem of those around them—or for their mother's respect. That is, until she left a perfectly suitable gentleman at the altar in 1886 and is subsequently shipped off to Eloise in America, returning only for weddings and funerals. Her mother's death allowed her some leeway, but the fact that she still has no firm prospects is certainly a topic of discussion amongst her elder sisters. Reputation of 7 because the last thing anyone in Britain remembers about her is the jilting. The suggested PB is Cara Theobold.

Rosalind will stay with the Manwarings at Sanditon Terrace through the QWC, but may choose to move permanently back to Britain afterwards if the player chooses!

Immediate Ties: Evelyn Abercrombie, Ellory Lestrange, William Pendergast, @"Tatiana Lestrange"
Bonus Ties: Anyone with the last name "Pendergast", "Macnair", "Lestrange", or "Macmillan"; Bellona Zabini, Nora Abercrombie, Angeline Malfoy

[Image: wJGYc1p.png?1]
Good-natured but not the most effective constable in town is "Billy". From a young age, he wanted to be an auror, but realism saw him settle for a constable in Hogsmeade, where he had lived for some time. He has a kindly disposition, treating even those arrested with a measure of compassion, which has rendered Blythe more than a little attracted to him (of which, thank the Lord, he is oblivious). PB is HELLA open but pictured is Anthony Boyle.
Reserved for Bean!

Immediate Ties: Blythe Fairchild 
Double Duty: Mr. Banges (3), Mr. Woodcroft (2), "Aspen"

look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3
[Image: kA9RsV1.jpg?1]
"Antonia" has long held one goal and one goal only: success. She is the consummate socialite, in charge of her husband's calendar and known for her lavish parties. Much to her dismay, however, none of her efforts have been able to propel the established upper-MC family into the upper echelons of society—but she is confident she will be able to see her children married up. Her reasons for exposing Ama are up to you. PB is open but pictured is Bellamy Young.

[Image: s6M95XU.jpg?1]
The eldest of the Pendergast girls, Eloise married the man prescribed for her and moved to America with him shortly thereafter. She has visited Britain infrequently in the years since, but remains in close contact with her family...and, unbeknownst to everyone, the man with whom she almost eloped! She is opinionated and forceful in nature like her late mother, but knows how to play the ~society game. Reputation of 9 due to the whole America thing. The suggested PB is Yael Grobglas.

fabulous set by Lady <3
[Image: d4Euzxx.jpg?1]
The elder of the Moony children, Ned was hit particularly hard by his father’s disappearance and was decidedly Let Down™ by the shade of Kit Moony that returned. Though Ned doesn’t know why his father left, he knows it's probably for the best and maintains tense, superficial communication. He tends to be rather pragmatic, having inherited much of his temperament from his mother. He wants to be an auror when he grows up, something his mother works to dissuade. Suggested PB is Jaeden Martell. Reputation is 8.

[Image: a3Oe2dk.jpg?1]
Born ans schooled abroad, only child Amaryllis did not come to Britain until late in her teen years, after her parents' tragic passing necessitated she go to live with an aunt. She was enrolled in PSYR shortly thereafter, where she met Tatiana and the two became friends. Amaryllis is confident, driven, and vaguely resentful towards a system whereby she needs a man to have status but will also lose her status by getting a man. PB is hella open but pictured is Crystal Clarke; POC is strongly preferred!

fabulous set by Lady <3
[Image: HSz5PnW.png?1]
An easygoing fellow and eldest son to a family of good repute but dwindling wealth, Ford Manwaring turned heads by proving to have an excellent head for investment. Though his marriage was arranged, he is quite fond of his wife and dotes upon their children. He is on excellent terms with Elwin Abercrombie, with whom he made his first ever disastrous investment, the results of which have yet to be revealed to the family. Reputation of 9 due to the whole America thing. The suggested PB is Johnny Flynn.

Ford will stay at Sanditon Terrace through the QWC, but may choose to stay through Christmas if the player chooses!

look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3
[Image: h1aNlkZ.jpg?1]
Heir to the Floo Pow company and descendent of the inventor of Floo Powder, "Buster" never wanted for much and yet always wanted more. Clever and calculating, he and Elijah are an excellent match as friendships go. He does not play quidditch, but is an avid duelist (occasionally when he shouldn't be). PB is wide open but pictured is Dante Albidone.

[Image: gvM7opq.png]
For Jameson
Jameson Jewell


b. 1863-1866ish | MCAB | Any House | Open Occupation| Suggested PB: Emily Blunt

Miss Spicy will be a woman that gives Jameson a run for his money. True to the nickname, she's confident and not afraid to speak her mind. They likely will start out not being all the fond of one another, mainly because they're so much alike. Eventually, she'll manage to really get his interest though may take longer to warm up to him. This is likely an #endgame plot where the two will end up together. It doesn't have to be something that happens right away though as I'm all for throwing drama and obstacles in their way as we go. And something could totally derail it, who knows! I have a strong preference for Emily Blunt to be the PB, solely because of all the pic spam between her and John Krasinski. Doubling up on an ad is highly encouraged for added drama potential.

fabulous set by Lady <3
For Persephone
Persephone Fenwick


b. 1855-1860 | MCAB | Any House | Hogwarts Professor | Suggested PB: Phoebe Tonkin

This babe of a professor has likely taught Persephone more life lessons than any of her beloved books have. They probably didn't get along at first (I imagine that Professor's personality is a lot more boisterous, outspoken, reckless, and perhaps possessing of other traits that are more inclined to be traditionally masculine than Persephone initially appreciated). But in December of 1886, the two of them drank far too much mulled mead during the holiday festivities and slept together in Professor's faculty accommodations. Which ignited a fiery whirlwind romance. For the last four years, they have been dating one another in secret and have gotten quite serious. I imagine that they are even saving up for their own house, in true 1890s feminist spinster fashion because wizards are gross and only want you for your uterus! And also because they might run the risk of losing their jobs if they keep having sex in their staff quarters #oops.

I'm strongly in favor of Phoebe Tonkin for Professor's play by because she and Teresa have a lot of picspam together, including this gem of a period-appropriate photoshoot. Otherwise, the rest of her character details are open!

fabulous set by Lady <3
The Governess

28-35 | MCAB | Any House | Unmarried | Suggested PB: Emilia Clarke

"The Governess" was hired by Evander Darrow to educate his new ward, Charity Lloyd, after her father was killed and she was left with no living magical relatives. She is a stern and serious woman, but is not incapable of being compassionate; Charity has begun to see her as a maternal figure despite knowing that "The Governess" could never be her mother.

Knowing that it will only be a matter of years before she will go off to Hogwarts, Charity has subtly expressed her desire to see her Uncle Evander married so she might have a mother figure in the coming years—and she plans to use "The Governess" as a way to find out which ladies would be best-suited for her Uncle. Whether "The Governess" sees fit to participate is up to the player, but Charity plans to put her in potentially awkward situations in pursuit of an Aunt.

"The Governess" can be from any family, be of any ethnicity, and any blood status. Her personality beyond the basics and backstory are up to the player as well <3


fabulous set by Lady <3
[Image: LKWgKTp.jpg?1]
B. 1865-1866 | UCPB | SLYTHERIN | WIDOW
Lily was in Tatiana's year and house. The two had a strained relationship in their first year; it was only after discovering a common "enemy" early in their second that they began to bond. Lily did not attend PSYR, and indeed left school after her OWLs to marry some dude abroad. He died a few years later, allowing her to return to Britain. She is probably bisexual, but definitely not inclined to settle down again before she has to. PB is hella open, but pictured is Daisy Edgar-Jones.

[Image: gvM7opq.png]
JACK ___

b. 1867 | MCHB | Open | Suggested PB: Jacob Whitesides
Low Priority Character

His view on his family is open, though he respects his mother enough to not go against her whether he agrees with her or not. His occupation is a rather dangerous one in the eyes of his mother, but he swears that he's perfectly fine taking care of himself. By making a point of this, he does not live with his parents. He does live in Hogsmeade though. His house is Gryffindor. Reserved for Dante

❧ Immediate Ties: Ellsworth Ruskin, @"Acacia Ruskin", Chrysanta Ruskin, Orinda Ruskin, Dunstan Ruskin
❧ Potential Ties: —

The Sudden Brother


b. 1862 | MCHB | Half-Vampire | Second Year ('89) | Suggested PB: ---
High Priority Character

So as of July 9th, 1887 Dunstan Ruskin was dead due to an attack from a flying tiger. Only... that never happened. Part of the sudden butterfly affect has given Dunstan a second chance at life, even though he doesn't remember that he even got that chance. The siblings had ended up making a different turn on that fateful day and only Dunstan's sisters and father seem to remember this awful event ever occurring. Flash forward and Dunstan is a normal half-breed just trying to make his way through Hogwarts, after the ban kept him from his real first year, and all should be well. Until his siblings start looking at him weirdly. Acacia and Chrysanta had witnessed his death. The sight of him walking and talking can't be all that easy for them, not that he'd know this at first. Time to see how this further effects the already stressed out family of half-breeds! Reserved for Willow

❧ Immediate Ties: @"Acacia Ruskin", Chrysanta Ruskin, Orinda Ruskin, Ellsworth Ruskin
❧ Bonus Ties: @"Naomi Hertz"
❧ Potential Ties: Check out the Hogwarts Roster for fellow students of his year!

The Fiancée

___ ___

b. 1865-1872 | UCAB | Deb/Feminine  Profession | Suggested PB: Open
High Priority Character

Miss ___ is fairly open in terms of personality and such. They began courting in 1888, and later became engaged 1889. It took several months before she finally agreed to a date, and even that is set for June of 1890.

Is there a reason for such a delay in the marriage? A lost love that she's trying to get over. A love that isn't even lost, but is improper? Is she gay and just hoping for a beard, but dreads marriage? Or is she just really into a detailed wedding, and can't make up her mind on anything? Finn assumes the last one is the case, and has left most wedding details to the bride and soon-to-be mother-in-law. Can be a retconned existing character or a new one, come chat with me!
Reserved for Kit

❧ Immediate Ties: Finn Falk
❧ Bonus Ties: N/A

look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3

b. Late 1878 | MCHB | Incoming First Year ('90) | Suggested PB: Jacob Tremlay

The younger brother of Archie Diggory. Bertie spent most of his early life in Egypt, and thus speaks Arabic as well as he speaks English. He always has his head in the clouds, and seems to prefer imagination to reality. While his parents worry for his future success in school, Bertie is more concerned about being liked.

[Image: 5Osx0qY.jpg?1]
B. 1878 | WCHB | NOT HUFFLEPUFF | FIRST YEAR (‘89/'90)
The younger of the Moony children, Anne inherited a bit of her father’s recklessness. She is very protective of her family, and takes it as a personal slight that Kit left them, especially as she does not know the reason behind his departure. Suggested PB is Bella Ramsey. Reputation is 8.

fabulous set by Lady <3
[Image: Vp5uTRy.jpg?1]
The youngest of the Urquart children, Sebastian has always been more mild-mannered, more a joiner or follower than a leader in his own right. This made it easy for his cousin, Elijah, to manipulate him into a friendship when they began at Hogwarts, and he took it rather hard when his cousin cut him after Topaz became a werewolf. The suggested PB is Miles Brown with alternatives to reflect his mixed heritage.

MJ made this!


Meet anti-werewolf extremist Professor Picardy’s poor forgotten son, Crispin. His mother died soon after he was born from a werewolf attack, and since then Crispin was raised on that same country estate, with only the company of his nannies, tutors, and fussy grandmother. Emerett spends little to no time with him and probably prefers to be addressed as ‘Father’ or ‘Sir’. Crispin’s personality, values, and attitudes to werewolves are all totally open, but at the same time Emerett is likely not particularly glowing with pride about him. (He can either be a first year of 1890 or ‘91, depending on your preference!)

[Image: gvM7opq.png]
[Image: pyr5cMW.jpg?1]
B. late 1873 | MCAB | SLYTHERPUFF | FIFTH YEAR (’89)
The eldest of the group, “Abel” is in Slytherin or Hufflepuff, and knew “Thomas” prior to beginning at Hogwarts. Abel is the youngest of six children, and as a result wavers between horribly immature and thinking he’s much more ‘adult’ than his peers. He dreams of one day being an auror like his father and oldest brother (sub in some high military rank if you make him MB). The suggested PB is Ty Simpkins.

[Image: Elsie-MJSig.png]
MJ always makes her so pretty

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