Hey folks! If you have a character that would be at this event and want to figure out who they're polyjuiced as, let's do it! You can also always just make your character RandoNPCGuest but it's more fun if it's someone played >D
If you want to run a potential guest by me you can also do that here. People who are likely to be invited: eccentric or fringe members of UC society, people with particularly weird hobbies, people of either gender that he thinks are particularly attractive and might possibly sleep with him, people who are known for being openly snarky at parties.
People who are unlikely to be invited: proper society types, people who throw boring parties, people whose main point of interest is Quidditch, debutantes without some other point of interest. Absolutely no children or MC/WC people.
Also all the adult Selwyns are invited, but more because he thinks it would make them uncomfortable than because he actually wants them there.
I'll have two people at this shindig that I'm seeking faces for:
Emrys Selwyn obviously.
Thom Pettigrew (whose invitation is half due to his parties and half because Hannah is the daughter of a human trafficker which seems interestingly tragic - so Alexander Echelon you get an invite on that basis too xD)

Lou made this! <3
If you want to run a potential guest by me you can also do that here. People who are likely to be invited: eccentric or fringe members of UC society, people with particularly weird hobbies, people of either gender that he thinks are particularly attractive and might possibly sleep with him, people who are known for being openly snarky at parties.
People who are unlikely to be invited: proper society types, people who throw boring parties, people whose main point of interest is Quidditch, debutantes without some other point of interest. Absolutely no children or MC/WC people.
Also all the adult Selwyns are invited, but more because he thinks it would make them uncomfortable than because he actually wants them there.
I'll have two people at this shindig that I'm seeking faces for:
Thom Pettigrew (whose invitation is half due to his parties and half because Hannah is the daughter of a human trafficker which seems interestingly tragic - so Alexander Echelon you get an invite on that basis too xD)

Lou made this! <3