Welcome to Charming, where swirling petticoats, the language of flowers, and old-fashioned duels are only the beginning of what is lying underneath…
After a magical attempt on her life in 1877, Queen Victoria launched a crusade against magic that, while tidied up by the Ministry of Magic, saw the Wizarding community exiled to Hogsmeade, previously little more than a crossroad near the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In the years that have passed since, Hogsmeade has suffered plagues, fires, and Victorian hypocrisy but is still standing firm.
Thethe year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.
Complete a thread started and set every month for twelve consecutive months. Each thread must have at least ten posts, and at least three must be your own.
Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
Head of the Department of International Magical Co-Operation
39 year old Pureblood
5 ft. 10 in.
❤ Married
Played by Kayte
332 Posts
Site-Wide Plot 9: A Pictish Curse
Almost a year ago, muggles began an archaeological dig near Hogsmeade, one that swiftly proved deadly and so was taken over by the Ministry of Magic. As the dig wrapped up, though, the (presumably) unthinkable happened: the artifacts were stolen, in a case that remains open today. The missing artifacts weren't seen again...
Until now.
The cause of two deaths on New Year's Eve has been traced back to one of the stolen objects, leading the Ministry of Magic to fret that there are more out in the world. And so there are.
Enter the (belated, sorry!) latest SWP from the Charming Team: A Pictish Curse!
Though this new CYOA starts as a solo venture, the choices you make can lead you to other individuals... or your doom. Those who participate fully will earn not one, but TWO stamps:
To earn the SWP stamp simply have your character post 7+ times across SWP threads—accounts can be combined. For the CYOA stamp, Participate actively (5+ posts) with the same character in any one Choose Your Own Adventure campaign. Must be enrolled in the campaign for posts to count. Both stamps can be claimed by hitting up the Stamp Station!
This plot is opt-in. Those who choose to participate directly must do so by filling in the form below and submitting it on or before February 29th, 2020—your adventure will start once you do! Those who prefer to be a background character can pop into related open threads, discuss newspaper articles, or serve as a played-NPC (that's totally a thing, guys) in another player's quest!
[b]Risk Level:[/b] Misadventure, Long-Term Effects, or Born to Die (maybe)
[b]Affected or Engaged:[/b] Does your character have one of the artifacts (affected), or are they interested in some freelance investigating (engaged)?
[b]Obtained:[/b] IF AFFECTED, does your character seek out an artifact, or acquire one through chance?
Please keep the following in mind:
There is a maximum of two characters per player to be actively involved.
Students are limited to "Misadventure" level of shenanigans. Please note that student paths will inevitably be shorter than adult ones.
Any thread your character is engaged in set after your first SWP thread may be interrupted by the Suggestionizer ;)
Please aim to post at least once a fortnight in your solo threads, and at least once a week in your pair/group threads. (Real life happens, of course!)
When you're given your options, some will have clear outcomes whereas others will have hidden outcomes, much like an RPG. "Graceful exit" options will always be made clear, as will anything that can kill your character (if on a potential-death-path).
Happy shenanigans!
— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. — — graphics by lady ❤ —
Magical Animal Breeder & Owner of Beautiful Beast Boutique
23 year old Half Blood
5 ft. 4 in.
❤ Unattached
Played by Dante
265 Posts
Character: Madeleine Backus Risk Level: Misadventure Affected or Engaged: engaged Obtained: N/A Your adventure has begun! Please check your PMs.
Code: Character: Natsuko Mountbatton Risk Level: Born to Die Affected or Engaged: Affected Obtained: Acquired through chance. Your adventure has begun! Please check your PMs.
Character:Adam Ragge Risk Level: Born to Die (maybe) Affected or Engaged: Engaged Your adventure has begun! Please check your PMs.
Character:J. Alfred Darrow Risk Level: Long-Term Effects (but you know me, I'm always game for death if it's good) Affected or Engaged: Affected Obtained: Alfred wouldn't seek one out but I was thinking someone else on the upcoming Asia trip might, leaving it as a smuggled good on his ship? (Can be discovered before or after leaving since it would probably cause him to return swiftly xD) Your adventure has begun! Please check your PMs.
Character:Guinevere Lukeson Risk Level: Born to Die (maybe) Affected or Engaged: Affected Obtained: Chance Your adventure has begun! Please check your PMs.
Character:Henrietta Davis Risk Level: Long-Term Effects Affected or Engaged: Engaged Obtained: ---- Your adventure has begun! Please check your PMs.
Character:Eli Fox Risk Level: Misadventure Affected or Engaged: Affected Obtained: Perfectly legally, of course. He thought the artifact was very beautiful and hid it away in his room. Your adventure has begun! Please check your PMs.
Character:Zachariah Binns Risk Level: Long-Term Effects Affected or Engaged: Engaged, but only after one of his bookshop workers (NPC) was affected. It piqued his interest after that.
Character:Marlena Scamander Risk Level: Long-Term Effects. Affected or Engaged: Affected. Obtained: Found on purpose. Your adventure has begun! Please check your PMs.
Character:Beatrix Burke Risk Level: Long-Term Effects. Affected or Engaged: Affected. Obtained: Chance. (I'd say through the shop for ease!)
Character:Questor Spryly Risk Level: Long-Term Effects Affected or Engaged: Affected Obtained: Seek it out Your adventure has begun! Please check your PMs.
Character:Florence Fox Risk Level: Long-Term Effects Affected or Engaged: Engaged Obtained: Sought out ;) Your adventure has begun! Please check your PMs.
Character:Hestia Risk Level: Long-Term Effects Affected or Engaged: Affected Obtained: She most definitely stole a few>D perhaps she gave it some Jay Fox and kept a small one for herself? Whichever is easiest! Your adventure has begun! Please check your PMs.
Character: Finnian Byrne Risk Level: Born to Die (maybe) Affected or Engaged: Affected Obtained: Chance Your adventure has begun! Please check your PMs.
Character:Porphyria Dempsey Risk Level: Long-Term Effects Affected or Engaged: Affected Obtained: Chance Your adventure is queued up! You'll be PMed for your grand entrance.
Intern for the Department of International Magical Co-Operation
20 year old Pureblood
ft. in.
❤ Unattached
Played by Willow
230 Posts
Weeee, this is awesome.
Character:Clue Leverett Risk Level: Misadventure or Long-Term Effects Affected or Engaged: Affected Obtained: Chance! Your adventure has begun! Please check your PMs.
Character:Arven Fisk Risk Level: Misadventure or Long-Term Effects Affected or Engaged: Engaged Obtained: N/A Your adventure has begun! Please check your PMs.