October 9, 1889
Dearest Journal,
I have finally set upon a project to occupy myself with. Since I was not able to give Ace a bridegroom gift prior to our marriage given the circumstances as they were, I have decided to give him something that he can have with him each day to remind him of myself. To this accord I have decided to embroider seven handcherifs for him, one for each day of the week. Each shall have our monogram entwined into the design and I shall try a new design for each. I shall, of course, stay clear of potions and wolves, given recent events. After all I wish these to bring a smile to his face not remind him of events he would rather be forgotten. Each design shall be some element of his, or rather our life. Here is what I have decided on so far.
I had thought to theme one on Appleby Arrows, our monograph will be amidst flying waffles, snitches, and brooms, with three goal posts behind. It shall only be in the bottom quarter of the handcherif as I would not like him to be ostracized for carrying such things. After all men do carry handcherifs but I do not know if they are often overly decorated? I do hope he will like this gift.
Another I had thought to do was a forest of pine trees, our initials shall be in the leaves, while amid the trucks there shall be a lady, modeled after myself, from her skirts shall be a blue pond, and in her lap a wolf will rest his head. I know that it is a risk, but I should like Ace to look upon it and remember my love for him when the tough days bare down upon him. The pond shall be to remind him of our honeymoon and the time beside the lake we shared.
Would it be silly to also embroider one of stockings? Like how I accidently asked his opinion on stockings the first time we met after school? I wonder if he even remembers that meeting? Would he even understand the reference? Perhaps I shall have to settle on something else, maybe a simple design of our initials? I could also do one of letters and owls to remind him of our 'courting'. I shall have to think on it more.
Thank you MJ for an amazingly Lucy set!