Welcome to Charming
Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Julius Scrimgeour
Full Name: Julius Winston Scrimgeour
Birthdate: April 5th, 1862
Current Age: 27
Occupation: Portkey Office Employee
Reputation: 4
Bella Scrimgeour is his sister and Argus Scrimgeour was his father, so.

Though he maintains a residence in Wellingtonshire, he has been spending more and more time at the Scrimegour family home (Welsh Countryside) since his father's incarceration.
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor Alumnus
Hazel, 11 inches, with a dragon heartstring core. Pliant.
Blood Status: Pureblood
Social Class: Upper Class
Argus Scrimgeour, Father [1824-1888]
Media Scrimgeour née Bulstrode, Mother [1842]
Annabelle Scrimgeour, Sister [1868]
Araminta Scrimgeour, Sister [1868]
Like much of his family, Julius is tall, standing a hair shy of  six feet. His is a lean, athletic build that is well-dressed, though not a slave to fashion. Romantically, his hair might be described as 'auburn', more practically, 'brownish, I guess'. His eyes are grey, and he is right-handed.
Early Years

1862 | Julius is the first child—and heir—born to Argus and Media Scrimgeour. He is appropriately doted upon.

1864 | His first act of magic comes just after his second birthday, summoning an acorn to himself to get a closer look. His father shows great pleasure with this development, which in turn thrills Julius, who idolizes the man.

1868 | Julius' mother delivers twin girls, Annabelle and Araminta. They're babies, and so of little consequence to their brother.

1869 | Until Annabelle is kidnapped, at any rate. He recognizes, of course, the impact this has on his family, but also fills him with a sense of indignation and betrayal: how dare someone defile his family in such a fashion?! He grows quite protective of Araminta as a result of this.

Life Begins
1873 | Julius and his three closest friends depart for Hogwarts, where each is sorted into a different house. In spite of this, they remain close. He works hard, particularly in his practical classes, with an aim of becoming an auror as his father had.

1875 | In his third year, Julius adds Arithmancy and Care of Magical Creatures to his repetoire of classes. He also finds a spot on the house quidditch team as a beater.

1877 | It is with dismay that Julius receives his Hogwarts letter and discovers that it does not include a prefect's badge.

1880 | Julius concludes his education and has no trouble finding a place in the Ministry's Auror Training Program. His early months in the program, though, see him rather distracted, as Annabelle seemingly returns from the dead, having been raised by muggles. Though much of his family seems uncertain about the "new" addition to their household, Julius embraces his lost sister gladly.

1883 | Julius is now a fully-fledged auror.

The Drama
1886 | Having realized what a toll the work of an auror can take (and did indeed take on his father), Julius applies for, and is accepted into, the Investigation department.

1887 - 1888 | Julius is a fully-fledged investigator now, just in time for the shit to truly hit the fan within his family. Ultimately, his father is arrested and charged for physically abusing his sister, who had, for some time, been rebelling—though he could not and would not condone his father's reaction, even Julius condemns her actions which led to it. His father dies in Azkaban. With all that has happened, Julius resigns his post, moving into the Portkey Office for something lower-key.

1889 | He remains close with Araminta, though the relations with his childhood friends is strained and he has not kept in contact with Anabelle beyond ensuring she isn't dead. The summer sees he and his colleagues placed under great scrutiny after three society ladies go missing.

For more than twenty years, Julius' greatest wish was to emulate his father. As such, he maintains soft purist beliefs and a desire to uphold (or, now, rebuild) the family reputation. His focus upon family was sparked with his sister's kidnapping, but has only grown as the years wore on. Though boistrous and extroverted during his younger years, his family's fall from grace has rendered him more reserved and prone to lurk in the background.
  • Languages: English, French
  • Duelist: A former auror, Julius is a skilled duelist.

  • Boggart: TBD
  • Amortentia: TBD
  • Fears: TBD

Class Name OWLs NEWTs
Arithmancy E
Astronomy E
Care of Magical Creatures E
Charms E O
Defence Against the Dark Arts O O
Herbology O E
History of Magic A
Potions E E
Transfiguration E E
Sample Roleplay Post:
Name: Kayte
Age: 28

[Image: hcvhx7z.png]
graphics by mj ♥ —
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We hope your time here is magical!

Thanks to Bee for this magnificent set <3

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