Welcome to Charming
Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Adoptables Storage List

Wren's sole practical experience in the realm of sex and romance was an intense one night stand. The vibes there were full of definite promise of it becoming something more which spooked him and so he snuck away the next morning, whilst the other man was still sleeping. He never knowingly saw him again after that.

The role for that man is open and could be someone already played so I thought I would toss it here before going to the trouble of writing up a whole plottable. Time of the One Night Stand is super flexible so long as Wren would have been over the age of seventeen.

Isolde Glynn
Isolde has always been a rather notorious gossip — keeping her siblings up to date on all-things Avalon Glen. It didn't surprise anyone, then, when she finished her O.W.L.s and became a Social & Gossip Reporter for the Daily Prophet. Isolde completed five years at Hogwarts. Her identical twin is Morgan. Pictured is Rachel Sennott, with alternatives to be white with dark hair. played by bee Isolde Glynn

IMMEDIATE TIES: Enid Glynn Gwyn Conway
BONUS TIES: Nigel Yarwood Madoc Yarwood Howell Howell Raj Sandow Matilda Farris Avery Davenport

[Image: XLuqwGG.jpeg]
The eldest of a horde of sisters—no brothers—Josephine took over her father's print shop after his passing. She prints your usual pamphets and newsletters, but is often also the go-to for more political materials given that she DNGAF about what ~society thinks. Face and ethnicity are wide open! Pictured is Aubrey Plaza.



Saffron is fluent in sarcasm, which she needs in her job as a long-suffering Ministry secretary. She has perfected the art of seeming perky and polite and helpful while internally wanting to punch people in the face. Clever, guarded and practical, Saffy doesn't take shit – and her department would be lost without her, so she hasn't gotten fired yet. She isn't keen on the upper classes – thinks they're lazy and entitled and have no concept of the real world – and occasionally feeds Tess behind-the-scenes Ministry gossip. Likes to draw harsh (but funny) cartoons about people.

MJ made this!
[Image: G3QrE9c.jpeg]
B. 1870-Early 1872 | UCPB | OPEN HOUSE | DEBUTANTE
Callista has always thought it best to blend in with the norms of society; as the only other of the Adebayo children to attend Hogwarts, she performs magic exclusively with a wand, and focused more upon social education than deeper learning during her years at shcool, and later two years of finishing at Pendergast's. The exception to this is her passion for herbology, the only area in which she's ever been willing to get her hands duty. She wants to marry well not just for herself but for the family's interests—though whether this is a genuine desire or borne out of her father's expectations remains to be seen. She was hard hit by her mother's disappearance and subsequent talk with Ìyá, and holds herself to high standards. The suggested PB is Aja Naomi King.

[Image: cyMYEts.jpg]
The Duckling doesn't remember their earliest years—or indeed, specifically anything before the summer of 1884. An amnesiac orphan taken by Pandora to ward, they grew up in Magical London without a motherly presence, just a nanny and, later, tutor to tend to their basic needs. Still, Pan isn't absent from their life; she writes to them regularly at school. They also have a wider network, people they know aren't quite savory but who still care for them, speak kindly to them when they visit. There has always been an understanding that they do not speak of these people to others.

Gender, ethnicity, and face are all open. Reputation would not be higher than 8 as there's no clear story as to where exactly they came from.

[Image: aplprFt.jpeg]
At only nineteen years of age, Padma's life was snuffed out—but she was hardly ready to go with it! When the Dodderidge sisters arranged the funeral for the last relative that Padma actually liked (those that remained were either terrible bores or CMJ folk who thought her a sinner), she took a shine to Divona and the two have been best friends ever since. She is best described as bubbly, open, and mischievous. PB and ethnicity are hella open but pictured is Charithra Chandran.

The Childhood Pal
Madeleine Backus


b. Open| MCUC/AB| Business man| Childhood Bestie | Suggested PB: Harry Richardson

Maddie and 'Jude' were friends as children, the difference in their classes was never a problem - or at least never noticed. When they went to school the differences began to show, and their friendship was confined almost exclusively to the summers. He departed on his grand tour after school, around the same time that she went to Russia. They managed a few social interactions in St. Petersburg, but when they returned to England time and society has meant that they have not interacted much.

He is the eldest son, and has at least one younger sister, of whom Maddie was also fond. He is kind hearted, generous, and good natured. He is an idealist, not a radical but thinks its his responsibility to do better in the world. His parents are dead and he is the gaurdian for his siblings. He may work - either as a business owner, venture capitalist, or ministry. He isn't an auror or curse breaker.

His family could be self made, or risen from a rank that would have made their friendship increasingly more difficult as they got older and his families expectations for him changed. Or old money with absentee parents for the time in which they were closest.

This role is fairly open and could be developed out in a few ways - so very little is set in absolute stone.

look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3


She and Tess have always been close: Beth has always been kind and intelligent and no-nonsense, and went into a sensible career after her OWLs (e.g. mediwitch, or something bookshop/library/librarian based?). So it came as a shock to find out she had been hiding an out-of-wedlock pregnancy, even from her sisters. She took a leave of absence under pretence of a long illness that left her bedridden to have the baby, and for a while it seemed she was tempted to keep the child and suffer the consequences – but in the end she gave it away (to an orphanage/workhouse/couple who couldn't conceive, IDK). She is working again now, but still won't tell her sisters who the father was. (This has only made Tess more concerned.)

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The "shrew" of our story, "Kate" has rubbed someone the wrong way—does she have a younger sister who won't be married off until she is a la Taming of the Shrew? Is she too big for her britches and that's rubbed others the wrong way entirely? Regardless, Greg has been enlisted to charm and disarm her. Midgame is that they develop genuine affection for one another, and then she finds out what motivated him to pursue her in the first place. Endgame is wide open. Face/ethnicity are open, but pictured is Sujaya Dasgupta. I am open to having an existing character fill this role!


B.~1862-1870 | WCHB | PB: PAUL MESCAL

Their assistant printer, Declan is a closed book to most of the world. He’s the strong but silent type, hardworking and meticulous. Gentle as he is, he moonlights as an underground boxer/duellist for a bit of extra pay, because Tess can’t pay him as much as she wants to and he’s far too loyal to leave them. At the printshop, he has the misfortune of being every Whitby sister’s personal shoulder to cry on – so he knows everyone’s secrets and will take them all to the grave. He’s better at listening than offering advice, anyway – he gets all his life advice from romance novels, and is perpetually falling for people out of his league.

— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —
Ife —
[Image: 0W9dtCv.jpeg]
Genia's grandmother (Ìyá) on her mother's side, Ife has lived with the family since her husband's death just after the twins were born. She has at least one living child. Like the other women in her family, she was told of the ~curse upon their family upon coming of age, and was relieved to be attached to a husband so much older: no risk of falling in love, after all! She is a self-assured woman and powerful in her own ways. Ife does not use or own a wand, and is an animagus. Genia greatly looks up to her grandmother, who, since Bosede's disappearance, has served as her primary maternal figure. The suggested PB is Adjoa Andoh.
[Image: wrcvE1B.jpeg]
Gregory met "Harper" (surname) on their first day at Hogwarts—they were sorted into Ravenclaw in quick succession. They have been close friends ever since, their personalities complementing one another very well. They possess the same balance of practicality and fun, and do their best to make up for one another's deficits. Notably, "Harper" has a wonderful gift of being able to warn Greg when something is a bad idea and consistently be right. No, he doesn't have the Sight, he just has common sense. He is probably not yet married, but may be seriously courting or actively looking. Face and ethnicity are both wide open, but pictured is Patrick Gibson!

MJ made this!
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Harriet was born in 1880, and is a second or third year. She's hella open, on account of her mom has been under the imperius curse for her entire life — but Sera is trying to re-establish parenting her children, and she's trying to be good at it. How does Harriet take it from there?

Pictured is Shiloh Verrico, but PB is hella open.
IMMEDIATE TIES: Seraphina Bythesea
BONUS TIES: Aditi Banges Philippa Rowle Alexandra Rowle Lucinda Bythesea
Requested for Seraphina Bythesea

[Image: hzVZaux.jpg]
Forsythia has always been more timid than her elder sister—but that doesn't mean she isn't intelligent. She just has always viewed the world through a different lens. She finds her aunt's Sight entirely eerie (and indeed, distrusts/avoids all seers) and clams up altogether in her grandfather's presence. She does not have much of a relationship with either parent, and is eager to attend Hogwarts. PB is open, but should fit the family.

[Image: y1ZnXQ8.jpeg]
Outwardly, "Micajah" Pomfrey has always been quite...benign. No one looks at him particularly hard, and there is nothing about his personality that anyone would consider particularly dynamic. That's probably why he has no trouble hiding his interests in dark magic... PB (and ethnicity!) flexible, but pictured is Tom Riley.

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The eldest sister, trying to work with what she's got (not much). As the firstborn, Tranquility was also the first to properly see the other side of Hogwarts through the lends of their family's fall. attempts to have a season, relying on her own magical skills to ensure it isn’t obvious she is wearing the same limited wardrobe from event to event, but knows that with a dramatically reduced dowry, she will have to rely on her looks and her accomplishments to secure any match, let alone the one she wants: a match that will see her return to the status of her birth. She takes her role as eldest seriously, viewing herself as a role model (for better or for worse) for her younger siblings. Suggested PB is Sophie Turner; alternatives should have red hair.

look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3
[Image: ggwu0yn.jpg]
Perfect on paper: wealthy, pureblooded, from a family of high repute. Pretty enough (in Algernon's estimation, at least), she would make a fine wife for Robin. And indeed, she has! They are not friends, per se, and Robin has never properly loved her for obvious reasons, but they are a well-oiled machine, and she was literally and figuratively born to be a socialite.

She also likes her place in the world, and fundamentally understands it. How would she feel if she thought it was threatened, and how observant is she of changes in her husband?

Suggested PB is Christina Hendricks with alternatives to have red or light hair. She is a first cousin to Abraxas Crabbe's late father. First name flexible!

MJ made this!
The Potts Family Players
Antonia Clarke
Dorothea Potts
[suggested face: Antonia Clarke]
b.1866 | GHS | Open Status
8 rep | MCHB | Governess

A shrewd and capable orchestrator of connections, both within her family and beyond. Dorothea approaches relationships with patience and kindness, often playing the role of a mediator indirectly, to everyone's advantage. While her interactions with her siblings generally lean positive, they occasionally carry subtle elements of intrigue or manipulation. Dorothea is openly proactive in playing matchmaker for her brother Edmund, determined to see him thrive. Though her relationship status remains open at 26, it's advisable for her to consider marriage (side note: Millie would be an excellent aunt).

— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —
Kit's Plottables
❧ Please contact me before picking up one of my adoptables!
❧ I reserve the right to refuse adoption.
❧ I am lax when it comes to activity but if there are repeated losses in the AC and you don't talk to me about what is happening with it, I reserve the right to throw the wanted ad back up for someone else to take.
❧ Please let me know when you drop a character, whether it be temporarily or permanently. That way I know whether I should just wait or if I should put the ad back up.

Dionysus met his best friend in the 1877-1878 school year when he was a sixth year and a she a fourth year. A Peeves prank saw them stuck together until they each divulged a deep secret about themselves to one another. Eventually to get free, he told her he was homosexual. She then told him that she was as well, her own secret being that she was a lesbian. From here, a deep friendship began to grow.

In the Coming Out Ball of 1879 when Dionysus graduated the two made a promise. They would have to each marry someone they can't truly romantically or sexually feel anything for someday ... so they will marry one another when the young woman becomes a spinster.

In 1889, they began courting as BFF is now twenty six. In 1892, they got engaged. Now in 1894, they have begun planning their wedding but have yet to set a date. The plan here is absolutely for them to end up married, I would just love her to be in play before they do so so that there can be a threadable wedding event.


Cadogan Glynn
[Image: 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e617773...392e676966]
Cadogan is the youngest of the Glynn children, and is currently in his fourth or fifth year at Hogwarts. He desperately wants to keep his scholarship after this year, because he has ambitious plans for after school — which are totally open! He has always been reserved, and is more like Enid than any of their other siblings. Pictured is Joe Locke, with alternatives to be white with dark hair.

IMMEDIATE TIES: Enid Glynn Gwyn Conway Isolde Glynn
BONUS TIES: Nigel Yarwood Madoc Yarwood Howell Howell Raj Sandow Matilda Farris Avery Davenport
Reserved for Gin

Bonus Glynns
Aneurin Glynn | Enid's Father | WCHB | b. 1847ish | did not complete Hogwarts | owner/operator of Fairtree Farm
Winifred Glynn | Enid's Mother | WCHB | b. 1847ish | did not complete Hogwarts | manager of Fairtree Farm

— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —

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