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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Take Me Back to the Start
28 June, 1888

Well I'm sure I could get into Hogsmeade; I have a Ministry travel pass. Finding a place to meet outside the public eye — or more specifically, getting there without drawing attention and causing rumors — is what might prove more difficult.

If you have any suggestions, I'd be glad to hear them out.


set by MJ!
June 28th, 1888

I'm afraid I'm woefully lacking in devious creativity today, I haven't any ideas. I could get out with Mrs. H in tow, but that is certainly not ideal. I suppose I could say I'm returning the book I borrowed, but that wouldn't lend us much time either. How utterly frustrating. There's already whispers among mother's friends about why I'm not allowed out right now.

That impromptu wedding is looking better and better. (I'm still teasing you.)

[Image: cTe3ze.png]
28 June, 1888

The gossip mills are ridiculous nowadays; there's plenty of explanations for most of their rumors with all the fog, yet it seems some people are all too willing to speculate. It would not be too out of the norm for a woman of your status to be asked to stay indoors — just make up something about your weak lungs in the dusty fog.

And if we're going to suddenly elope, there's still much I have to learn about you. For instance, what would you do as a married woman? Do you like children very much? You don't strike me as the socialite type, and I mean that as a compliment rather than a criticism.


set by MJ!
June 28th, 1888

And out come the hard-hitting questions. (I'm pointedly ignoring your comment about weak lungs, as if you shouldn't know better.)

First of all, be I would like nothing more than to elope; a large stuffy wedding is not for me, unless it meant something to you. I do like children, very much so, though perhaps not for a little while yet in regards to having my own. And I don't think I would go so far as to have as many as my mother, either.

As to our hypothetical marriage, I would likely pick up my animagus studies again; charity work; though I'm sure I couldn't avoid all society events, unless requested of me I wouldn't do a lot of hosting if not strictly necessary. I'm also sure I would have to do some things in regard to the ministry,  considering your position. I would adjust, I'm pretty flexible.

Do I pass the Potential Wife Quiz?

[Image: cTe3ze.png]
28 June, 1888

I shouldn't have expected anything less in regards to elopement. I've never been ones for large events myself; that is, however, in part due to my career that limits the time I can spend on the social scene. Much of the parties I've attended in the past decade have been Ministry-hosted or Ministry-adjacent at the very least.

As an only child, I've always imagined I would have a number of children myself, although I don't imagine I'd dare put any wife through five or six trials of childbirth. Such a thing seems almost cruel to me.

I must admit: I'm not yet sure what being my wife might entail for any woman, as I've never been in a politically-relevant position. With the crisis we've been dealing with, there hasn't been much time for festivities.

With your answers, I think you would (hypothetically, of course) make a solid candidate for Mrs. Umbridge.

My next question: Where would you choose to make your home within Britain? London? Hogsmeade? Elsewhere?


The following 1 user Likes Edric Umbridge's post:
   February Umbridge

set by MJ!
June 28th, 1888

Hypothetically,  it seems we're fairly well-suited then, should we ever decide to elope. I'm sure the ministry things would come in time.

I do have to warn you, twins run in my family.

I think I could be content any number of places, though after this summer, I should reconsider spending much longer in Hogsmeade. I've always wanted to live in London, it's so busy and there's always something to do. However, I also think a little cottage in the countryside with a library (that's a given wherever I land) and a little garden would be equally lovely.

I should think I'd be content wherever you wanted to be, honestly.  

The following 1 user Likes February Umbridge's post:
   Edric Umbridge

[Image: cTe3ze.png]
28 June, 1888

If we were to hypothetically get married, you could rest assured that I would never subject you to a home in Hogsmeade. London, while nice, is admittedly not a very clean place compared to Hogsmeade or the country. Neither would I (hypothetically) force you to live in a home without a library filled with all your favorite texts.


set by MJ!
June 28th, 1888

Well, it seems we have a plan in place then, should we need it. I have a library all arranged in my head. Walls and walls of books, one of those fancy ladders to reach higher shelves (it's much more quintessential than using magic alright) and a big fireplace in the middle of the far wall. There'd be squishy armchairs and a really cozy rug right in front of the fireplace and lots of pillows everywhere. I really would rarely leave, it would be my own little haven.

So, no London, no Hogsmeade, wherever shall we land? Hypothetically, of course.

[Image: cTe3ze.png]
28 June, 1888

We could build a cottage on a hill near the sea with a vegetable garden and neatly-trimmed hedges outside. We could sacrifice a bedroom and merely put a bed in the library — if it would be as large as you desire.

A little living space for Mrs. Harding could be in the back, as could a kitchen. We could build on with magic as our needs expand.

Hypothetically, of course.


set by MJ!
June 28th, 1888

You know I stopped being hypothetical about three letters ago, right? Right about the time I passed the wife quiz. Curse your ability to do that to me. I am not some needy doe-eyed debutante, damn you! A cottage by the sea, with my library, and a garden? It's like you read my mind, I can picture it and I'm trying desperately not to get attached. I'm not supposed to get too attached.  You're seriously making it incredibly hard to keep this casual, Edric Umbridge.

Actually Sent

Perfect, that settles that then. Clearly we need room for Mrs. H, since you insist on stealing her from my mother's employ. I wouldn't mind if the library was my room, that would be perfectly fine too.

I think I'm going to retire and read more of my detective novel, all of these late night letter exchanges really add up after a few days. Sweet dreams.

[Image: cTe3ze.png]
28 June, 1888

If I'm to sacrifice a spacious living area for a seaside cottage, I should at least deserve to share a bedroom with my wife. It would only be fair, don't you think?

Sleep well, lover.


set by MJ!
June 28th, 1888

Hard to resist just one more; I don't think it would be too much of a sacrifice to wake up curled up together in the morning, would it? I could certainly think of worse things.

Goodnight, Love.

[Image: cTe3ze.png]
Early Morning

29 June, 1888

Well, Mrs. Umbridge, you've managed to keep me up half the night with your letters. I've getting very impatient; we must find a way to see each other soon.


set by MJ!
June 29th, 1888

Good morning, Sunshine. Just imagine, we could be doing this in person. I don't know how to see you, Love. Use those brilliant auror skills of yours.

Ianthe woke me but I'm not ready to be awake.  I'll write again later. Have a good start to your day.
Mrs. Umbridge

[Image: cTe3ze.png]
29 June, 1888
Miss Lynch,

Would you like to explain why I met a young woman in Diagon Alley who referenced the punches you gave me weeks ago? And then further insulted me by refusing to name herself when I first demanded she did?

And on top of that, she continued to blabber in a very public area about what she knows! I trusted you! You promised me you would remain silent.

And here I was speaking of marriage.


set by MJ!
June 29th, 1888

You do know you can still call me February when you're mad at me right?

That must have been Tuni. Fortuna, she's my friend; she's been stuck in London because of the fog. And she's just as brash as I am. I'm so sorry she cornered you, in public no less. I don't know what she was thinking, I'm sorry. I don't think she realizes just well, what's going on or what you actually mean to me.

I told her about punching you when I first met you, weeks ago.  I promise, I haven't said anything about it since. I haven't told her any details, nothing, please believe me. I meant what I said when I promised to keep it between us. When I was upset about the kitchen she was the only person I could think of who could sympathize. I was so confused that night,  I needed somebody to vent to. I haven't told her anything about what's happened recently, she must have just kind of deduced there was something by the way I talk about you, the way it's changed since I first told her about chasing Lydia through the alleys of Hogsmeade.

I'm so sorry, I know if somebody heard it could rebound back on your job. I would never, ever want to jeopardize that. I'm sorry.
Still yours,

[Image: cTe3ze.png]

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